new host, bad reveiw

Level 2
Mexico City, Mexico

new host, bad reveiw

hello and thank you for your help!

i am a new host

and my first seven guests all left 5 star reviews


i recently had a guest who booked my entire apartment

for 6 guests

3 couples, in 3 rooms

he arrived and i showed him how things worked

and where there were extra blankets in case anyone was cold

i also showed him a small room

and said, that this room would be locked

and my private things would be in there


when i returned home,

(the guest had put the keys through the mail slot)

i found the door to my small room ajar

it had been locked, and was still locked

but the door had been forced open

and my personal bedding had been used by someone who had slept on the couch

i has really mad and immediately sent an email

via airbnb, telling the guest that i was upset


later i discovered

dirty dishes in the sink

spilled, dried beer on the kitchen floor

used ashtrays (in a non-smoking house)

and a newly upholstered chair soaked with beer

i told him about these things too

i assumed that airbnb would back me up......



the client, who...upon leaving sent me a lovely text about how much they enjoyed my apartment

now gave me a 2 star rating

and i am unable to be a superhost

i feel that i am being punished by airbnb rather than supported


please advise me on how to remedy this situation

thank you VERY much for your advice






4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Naomi46 So sorry to hear about these problem guests.


Just to check did you call or contact BNB and explain that the guests had broken into your locked room and had an extra guest staying there? Did you tell them you guests had been smoking in your place, ruined your chair  and used your personal room and bedding etc?


Did you raise a request through the resolution centre for repairing the beer soaked chair and extra cleaning?


What did the guests indicate 2 stars for? I've looked at your listings and can't see any negative reviews and two stars doesn't mean you can't be a superhost, just that  you need to get a few more 5 stars to get you back up the ratings.


Did you provide BNB with photo evidence of the broken door and other damages.


If you can clarify we can try and help.

thank you SO much for responding

here are some answers:

Just to check did you call or contact BNB and explain that the guests had broken into your locked room and had an extra guest staying there? Did you tell them you guests had been smoking in your place, ruined your chair etc?


all of this i wrote in my private feedback to airbnb AND to the guest

i did not hear anything back from airbnb and i do not know how to contact them,

(besides in the review i wrote)


Did you raise a request through the resolution centre for repairing the beer soaked chair and extra cleaning?


no...because the chair i was able to dry and clean

and the guests had paid a cleaning fee

i did not want any financial reparations, i just wanted the GUEST to be restricted

so that he did not disrespect other homes

instead....i am penalized


What did the guests indicate 2 stars for?

i believe for communication...i am still unsure

and unsure of how to correctly and completely read his review


Did you provide BNB with photo evidence of the broken door and other damages.


there were no real damages

the door was not broken, just forced open

and the place was a mess, but nothing was destroyed


If you can clarify we can try and help.


i am SO grateful for your time and attention...



@Naomi46   The best way to contact Airbnb is to use their FB or Twitter. Consistent persistence is recommended by many a host. One host  said he cc:'s everything to the founders too. You can also do all or some of the following.

-  flag the guests profile, choose 'other' and fill in the box as to why - although its effectiveness is not guarenteed. 

-  reply to the guests review and state your case, neutral, factual, objective and the shorter the better.  Airbnb removes reviews that have anything personal written in them, and allegedly, even negative reviews of guests, especially if they object.

-  thumbs down the guest on your review of them so they will not be able to book Instant Book (IB) with hosts who have checked "only recommendations from other hosts". Good Luck!

Level 2
Mexico City, Mexico

thank you

i am so surprised

i am new at this

and felt protected by my relationship with airbnb

they have done nothing at all


thank you again