refund for linen hire

refund for linen hire

I have had to cancel a booking due to unforseen circumstances and will refund the guest their accommodation amount, however we charge linen hire for our listing which payment comes through to us before the guest arrives. Can anybody tell me how I can refund the guest the linen hire when i have already been paid. Thanks, Sharon

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Can I ask, how did the guest pay for the Linen hire as all transactions would have had to go through Airbnb and you wouldn’t receive until 24 hours after the guest checks in at the very earliest?



HI, I was told to charge linen hire through the resolution center and when the guest pays it, it gets paid into my account straight away. 


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I see, I didn't realise it gets released to the host prior to the guest arrival - interesting.... 


You can do refunds for additional items via the resolution centre also; ask the guest to send you a request for a refund for the linen and you can do it this way; see Airbnb literature -


Also if you go into you transactions, you will see a list of all completed and future transactions. Check in your completed transaction since you say you already received this payment, locate the payment and click on red reference code to open, then you will see the option to alter the transaction.


  • Host (house icon)
  • Transaction History
  • Completed Transactions



I am sorry, I do not understand what has it got to do with the guest and linen hiring company.


We have a commercial laundry in London and supply linen cloths to the hotel, restaurants airbnb etc. As far as I understand, the linen hiring company has no contract with the customer / guest. Guest has the contract with the host and host has got contract with the linen supplying company.


Guest should pursue the refund with his/her host. Host can squeeze the money to the linen supplying company provided the relationship the host has with the linen supplying company.


You can visit our website at Brent Linen Hire