Dauerhafte Vermietung

Level 1
Cologne, Germany

Dauerhafte Vermietung

Hallo Zusammen! Ich habe eine E-Mail bezüglich einer Mietwohnung erhalten und würde gerne mal eure Meinung dazu hören, wie seriös das ganze ist.


"You can rent my apartment for unlimited period. The price per month is € 850,00 includes (gas, water, internet, electricity, TV, garage).
I work on a big project in Flensburg / Germany. We do have a solution for this inconvenience so you can move in as soon as possible. I do not have the time to meet every potential renter, so I choose to use Airbnb. I use Airbnb service only at the beginning, to find a tenant.
To visit and rent the apartment I will use https://www.airbnb.com/trust platform. Airbnb, Inc. provides an online platform that connects hosts who have accommodations to rent with guests seeking to rent such accommodations.
Airbnb Company will require confirmation which is first 2 months + a security deposit *kaution of EUR 1350 - is required at the start of the lease and it will be refunded at the end of the contract (a 30 day notice is required). After these first 2 months you will send the rent monthly directly to my personal bank account.
You have to book the first 2 months from their website and from the moment your booking is confirmed, Airbnb representative will contact you about viewing and you can move in straight away.
First you have to book it and one of their representatives will contact you to arrange the appointment. The meeting will take place in the apartment and he will give you the keys and sign contract for the period wanted by you (we will make a fixed lease on German law between us minimum 2 months up to 10 years).
I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the apartment with, and for how long.
Any other details about yourself would be appreciated. I'm looking to rent the apartment to someone who will take care of it as his own.
I've invested a lot in this apartment and I'm sure you'll love it."


Das ganze klingt fast zu gut um wahr zu sein, daher bin ich etwas vorsichtig. 


Liebe Grüße


2 Antworten 2
Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany
Top Contributor
Vienna, Austria

@Chiara496, das ist ein fake - wenn über airbnb gebucht wird, zahlst du IMMER an airbnb und nie direkt an den Gastgeber.

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