Airbnb app on iphone 4

Airbnb app on iphone 4

Please provide hosts with an option for a working app on iphone four.  I am unable to respond in a timely manner because the Airbnb app is not working on my iphone.  I'm not sure what changed but I can no longer access Airbnb on my phone.  I am not able to resolve the problem.  I could not respond to an inquiry in a timely manner because I only had access to my iphone.  Please help me with this.  I cannot seem to obtain any help through the help center.  Regards, Cecilia Hobson, 14 Mile Lakeview House
Level 10

@Cecilia72 I feel your pain, but the grim reality is that the iPhone 4 is simply too out of date for AirBnB (or most other "complex" apps) to support. I wish it wasn't true, but it is. Upgrade your phone (you can get used 6's now for vastly reduced prices) or drag your laptop along t all times.

Level 1
Thanks Dede,  I greatly appreciate your comment.  I am an outdoor enthusiast which means I am backpacking where dragging a laptop along is just not possible so I guess I have a decision to make, upgrade or cancel my Airbnb business!
Level 2
Status changed to: Archived
Level 1

yes, it would be great an airbnb app for older version of ios!!!