Host to Host free Exchange

Host to Host free Exchange

What do other hosts think about Airbnb offering free host to host vacation home exchanges?

Interested hosts could swap time in our homes with one another. This could be easily advertised by having a searchable icon on our host website.

Hosts not interested could simply opt out and not have this icon.

Airbnb might entice more new hosts by offering this feature. The current Airbnb platform could easily add a search feature to help hosts find one another. There are multiple other home exchange websites that charge from $45 to $100 for this service. 

Adding this extra bonus might also entice more hosts to list with Airbnb.

Idyllwild master.jpg

Level 5

Swapping services, wasn't the idea of money being invented to negate the complex issues of swapping? Such as I'll swap you a week in my caravan in my backyard for a week in your penthouse in Hawaii. 🙂

Level 1

Presumably one could choose a similar sort of accommodation to your own to swap with?

Level 2

I think it is an extra bonus.  And the choice should be left up to the wisdom of the hosts as to how they would like to live for a week or two.  If one wants to swap a caravan in the woods for a house....  that is my decision. 

Level 5

 Think I will stick with the uncomplicated and flexible way, I swap a week in our place to someone for money and take their money and swap it for a week at the exact place we want to stay. 🙂

Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
Level 2

I would love to do this, but there isnt one  particular place to advertise/search., so an icon would be a great idea. Probably wont get much support from Airbnb as they will lose out on fees...but should be a perk for being a host.

Level 6

Airbnb could charge a lower "host" fee. Yes, it would be a great perk for being a host. 

Level 2

I thought the point of airbnb was for hosts to earn income.  This seems to negate it.  And yes I would prefer to book the place I really want to stay in and just go as a guest.  

Level 1

Good idea!!

I love this way to travel

Level 2

Yes, I would rather pay a Host to stay in their place as a guest.  It seems to get a little complicated to do the exchange.  If there was a whole other AirBnB site for hosts to do this I would be happy to be a part of it, but right now I want to help other hosts make the income they work so hard to get.