In the image below, you see two very different versions of the guidebook.
On the left, the host version of the guidebook when editing. It is colorful, categorized, friendly to use.
On the right, the guest version when viewing. It is a grey blob of information.
Please make the guest version look as good as the host version.

According to AirBnB support, the reason for this is that the guidebook is meant for printing. (See quote below)
How does this make sense? We live in a technological world of smartphones and laptops. Guests find our listings on their device and book from them. So why would they want to print the guidebook?
Even if you print the guidebook, that still doesn't make it easier to use. In printed form, it would be more difficult to use. You wouldn't be able to zoom in or out. The locations are only ordered by whatever order they were entered in, which isn't helpful. And many would be multiple pages.
Also, I don't understand why it being for printing should change the design. Having categories and symbols would still be helpful printed. And if the issue is a concern of printer ink, then that's what a printer view is for. Though shouldn't that be left up to the guest? Perhaps some guests would prefer to print it in color.
Regardless of how it is used, the guest version of the guidebook needs to be more user friendly. As it currently stands, the guidebook is an unusable mess.
From support: "Our Guidebooks are set up for the Guest to print off the map and numbered listing of places you notated in the guidebook so they can use it around the City and find places they are looking for based on the number on the map and in the list."