'Under consideration' suggestions from hosts - are they actually Under CONSIDERATION?

'Under consideration' suggestions from hosts - are they actually Under CONSIDERATION?

 Just wondering if any of the good ideas from hosts which are 'Under consideration' are actually under consideration???


I check the 'Under consideration' section every now and then...and still none of these have actually been put into action. Makes me think - what's the point of suggesting anything on here. 


I would like to know:

1. When will guests have star ratings? 

2. When will Location be taken out of the star ratings?

3. When will the review system be reviewed itself!?

4. When will guests have to state a mandatory check in time?

5. When will instant booking - not be an advantage? 

6. When will it be easier to contact Airbnb for hosts- instead of using twitter/facebook!?


There are so many other good suggestions - but when will anything actually be done?



Level 3
@Punam0, all great points! 7. Include a line item for guests to have to include full names of guests and age specifications at the time of booking including IB. 8. Require all guests/hosts to have an actual picture of themselves. 9. Require ALL guests/hosts to have an offline I.D. as part of the verification process. Always concerning when profiles only have name and a phone number as verification. I consider emails and phone numbers disposable forms of verification. #2. Totally agree on the location category. Previous forums have also commented how guests choose the location, as hosts we cannot physically move our homes. That is why accuracy is a better category. #4. Mandatory arrival/ check-in time. YES! #5. I have many host friends who offer 2 or more private rooms within their homes. I could see how IB would just not work. Yet it is clear visibility of listing is affected when hosts have IB off.
Level 3

I agree on all of the points above. To add: When will it be possible to send a MANDATORY special offer from the host side after the guests stated number of guests incorrectly?

Level 10



What hosts have become is indentured servants working for less than minimum wage with a contract that we cannot influence, placing our assets at the disposal of a company that has little regard for us, its disruptive all right because it circumvents logic and accounting principles.


IB is complete nonsense anybody that adheres to it suggested prices with respect, does not have a handle on their overheads nor does Airbnb I suspect.

Airbnb is an outstanding idea that has lost its way and need to go back to first principals.


What came first the chicken or the egg?


I’ll answer that by say evolution came first and the way Airbnb is evolving its killing the chicken that’s laying the golden egg.

Level 10


Absolutely, Airbnb has lost it's way. It seems that the initial idea of someone coming to stay in a spare room or couch is starting to dissapear...now they are making it more and more like a hotel service.

Level 3
Amen Cormac, Amen! Often the Case Managers are just immature unprofessional and uncooperative 20 yo who like to abuse the little power they have to play with someone else' money and if you ask them to escalate the case or to speak to a Manager they cowardly love to copy and paste their favorite paragraph, "we have issued our final decision for this case and we will disengage from further discussion on this topic." All of the sudden the one Case Manager becomes plural, "we," but who is "we?" I'm seriously considering taking them to Small Claims court for cancelling my 11 nights booking and blocking my calendar because when the guests arrived the elevator wasn't working and it would have taken a couple of days to fix. When the guests got here they were the ones to inform me about the elevator and asked to cancel so I offered to call and together we spoke to AirBnb who put the guests in a hotel for the night free of charge and ironically ended up finding them a 2nd floor walk up for the remaining days. I submitted pictures from the first night and the management letter stating the elevator was fixed two days later, but my calendar is still blocked and they stopped replying to me. I expect to be compensated in full for every day that they keep my calendar wrongly blocked.
Level 10

@Giovanni103 That's really harsh! I am sure they will allow you to host again as they will want to keep making money.


EVERY time I call Airbnb about something I have to explain it to the person on the phone about 3 times - they really don't know their own rules and they talk over the top of you. I once actually had to tell the person to 'stop talking and listen to what I am saying'. Then it gets put through to a case manager where i have to explain it again. Sometimes the only way to get through to anyone is via social media! Which I don't like doing -but I have to sometimes.  They just don't care about hosts - they only want to make money. 

Level 3
Of course they will allow me to host again, but it's these two weeks that I am able to host and they are not allowing me to. That guest had booked months ago. . .I was counting on the $1400 that would have come from it. . .to make things worse, I usually only host when I'm out of town, but since I'm not working these days and need the cash I had actually rented out a room for me to stay at while I was hosting here. . .so not only I lost the $1400, but also the $640 I paid out of pocket for that room. I cannot accept that after all the money they've made thanks to me, they will allow this idiot of a case manager to have a final decision on my $1400 after two brief emails she wrote.
Level 2
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Level 2

I would like to suggest that when there are Co-Hosts involved, that we be allowed to use a SINGLE email address!  There are times when my phone is blowing up with all the push notifications that I receive ~ 1 for to the Primary email receipt, 1 for the Co-Host email receipt, 2 for each email to my text notification, and when I reply, it happens all over again.  Kind of makes things a bit confusing when there are several bookings and/or inquiries coming in over a holiday weekend or something.