Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hi Hosts,
Have you ever noticed that you posted a reponse in the forum and the reponse had been removed?
Today I posted a couple of responses to two posts. In my post, I criticized AirBnb review system, unfairness to hosts to resolve violation of house rules by guests. But both posts had been removed. I could not find them anywhere. In my posts, I just listed facts and there are no any bad words. I don't know why they were removed from the forum.
Have any of you encountered the same issue?
@Mike1034 , people complain about the review system all the time in the forum. All the time. Daily. Hourly.
So it might just be that it is hard to search for things here. Go to your name at the top of the page, if you are on a laptop, then click Community Profile in the dropdown. See whether your posts are listed there.
@Lawrene0 Thanks for your response. Actually I followed the post below and posted my comments about the AirBnb system. I saw only two of my responses there to other hosts. I also posted a summary at the end of the post. I saw it appeared when I checked. But later I saw it was not there anymore.
Not this one. It is a separate one with a summary of four bullet points which I provided to follow the initial first post. It was at the end of the thread when I checked after posting. Later I came to the posting thread again, and did not see it. Thanks for checking it for me. Hopefully it is not the forum admin that deleted it.
Strange, @Mike1034 . It might appear again. I wouldn't think you are being censored, since you weren't advertising anything or screaming abuse at anyone. It is more likely a glitch. Maybe check again tomorrow?
Hi @Mike1034 ,
As @Lawrene0 has mentioned, your posts have not been deleted.
Here are the links to your responses:
1. “Making reviews more fair for hosts”
2. “Honest Question”
Hi @Yun8 ,
Thanks for your response. The post 1 you mentioned was posted two weeks ago. And the second post was just a response to a host in that thread.
However, a post I made to summarize four major issues I had with AirBnb hosting in the Honest Question post today is not there anymore.
Hi @Mike1034. I’m with @Lawrene0 on this one and suggest you leave it a little while and check. Glitches happen. Usually if you are being censored, you receive a notification from an administrator and/ or you get a banner stating this. You can have a right of reply to admin, which has happened to me, and the computer bot got the information wrong, and it was reinstated by admin.
Hope this helps...
Also, if writing a long response, compose it elsewhere and then copy into the forum. You then have a copy if something goes wrong, to repost. I was having issues with a post last night and did this. I came back later and it uploaded without difficulty.
@Mike1034 If we got censored for criticizing Airbnb, most of the hosts who participate in this forum wouldn't be here at all.
I always copy my post before I press reply in case it doesn't post. This site, like the main site, can be glitchy.
@Mike1034 I can't say as I've ever noticed this myself and I've been posting a few months now... I guess it could be a glitch or bug. I don't believe there is active censoring.. people frequently get right properly stuck into Airbnb on here and I've never seen the discussion evaporate before.
Did you edit many times some of the posts that "disappeard" ?
If so, certainly that is the reason!
It seems that the spam control of this CMS (Content Management System) block automatically posts that are edited many times in a too short period of time.
Yes, I did edit one or two times after posting. The first time when I edit, I added a few key words. And then I edited again to correct a couple of spellings.
The only concern I had was that it was removed by the Forum Admin manually because of my critics. Now you cleared my doubt. Thanks!
I believe that, if you contact Lizzie or Quincy, they will restore your post that has been removed automatically by the spam control or whatsoever it can be.
Mike, I too have been critical of Airbnb at times here on the forum but I can assure you the moderators will only remove a post if it is personally derogatory of another contributor or if it contains profanities.
I have been assured by two on the Admin managers that properly worded posts, no matter how critical will not be subject to sanitization or any retaliatory action.
The Community managers are here to help us, not penalize us Mike. If a post of yours has been removed it is because it crossed that line between being informative, and personally abusive!