Adding the offer of entire property for a period of time

Level 1
Perth, United Kingdom

Adding the offer of entire property for a period of time

Hello,  this is my first time on here and I'm hoping someone can advise...

I currently have my property on offerring my spare room but I am going abroad for three and a half weeks and would like to offer my whole property for that time.  I have updated the price and the comment shows full property on those dates however how can I update the listing for that period of time only so that when people search they get the right information for those dates only? 
The only way i can see round it just now is to add a new listing for those dates only but that doesn't seem right. 

Thanks in advance for some advice 🙂

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Penelope15,


There isn't a way to put a time window on the property type, like "Private room" usually but "Entire property" in,say, December 2016 for example.


I think that the only way is to make a new listing for the entire space and have all dates for that blocked except for those when you'll be away. Then block your away dates on your private room listing.


And as you realise, you don't want someone to search for "entire property"  and get the entire place for the price of a room.

You also don't want people to search for "private room" and see your place priced for the entire space before you go away.


Given that people use "entire property" and "private room" filters in their searches and don't always read the comments or descriptions you can't rely on putting that information in the description only.




Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Penelope15  You are correct that you will need to have another listing.  @Steve143 is correct about separating the private room from the entire room.  You will need different rules for an entire apartment rental as well.  Probably want to add some pictures of rooms that are not available for the shared space renter.  Essentially it is a different business to rent an entire place when you are not there versus a shared space private room where you are there.  Of course, you will not have reviews on you new listing so you need to address that in your description.