Additional guest charge not applied

Level 1
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Additional guest charge not applied



I updated my lisiting to include a cleaning fee and additional charge for over 2 guests at £5 per night. 


Someone has just booked our apartment (for 3). It has included the cleaning fee but not the additional guest fee?


any help from air bnb would be greatly appreciated 





2 Replies 2
Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Tselane0 . If you want help from AirBNB you will have to contact them directly using the telephone, twitter or facebook. AirBNB customer service doesn't monitor this community board.



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Tselane0 


Just had a look at your listing, and it looks like there isn't an additional charge for your second guest but there is for your third and fourth. Which is rather strange.


Do give Airbnb a call and ask them to help you. All the ways of contacting Airbnb is in the CONTACT AIRBNB post towards the top of the Help Forum.