AirBnB gave full refund and closed the case without my input

Level 2
Ellijay, GA

AirBnB gave full refund and closed the case without my input

During Sept hurricane guests from FL booked 8 nights for my whole house in Blue Ridge bringing their whole family & pets.  The storm caused power outtage for PART of their stay. They had propane to cook on, propane and firewood for warmth, a hot spa tub, shelter, beds, games, candles, kerosene lanterns, flashlights.  AirBnB gave them full refund without even communicating with me.  When I called woman in Tampa was cold, short & said case is closed!  Wow!  AirBnB is judge & jury controlling my house!  After I repeatedly attempted some justice, AirBnB admitted a mistake was made but after reopening only gave me 1/3 with incorrect number of days guests booked and did not include over 2 guests and pets charges.  I am only allowed first names when I call.  After 1.75 hour on phone last time and told it would be reopened with agent acknowledging and noting the errors, I'm told no notes were made, it wasn't reopened and it's done.  I was told I would receive a call back after reviewing the extensive notes but did not.  Not even an email.  I had to call.  It is almost impossible to get a manager/supervisor whom does not give exact title, extension, nothing.  I find AirBnB to be weighed heavily on the guests side.  I am not new to this and use other sites.  They are not as professional.  They require hosts to post everything under 'House Rules' then must send a special offer to accomodate which brings up another issue, is it fair to charge 2 people using 1 bed/bath without pets the same amount as 3, 4, 5, 6 or more and/or with pets?  This family used my whole house for 8 nights, all the linens, propane, firewood, electric, spa, cleaning costs and the house had tons of black cat fur.  Help! 
1 Reply 1
Level 4

Hi Becky,


I agree with you about airbnb favoring the guests over the hosts. I had a similar experience during/after the Sonoma/Napa fires in northern Calif in October. We rent a house there that escaped the destruction although homes were destroyed just a few blocks away. There was an evacuation for 2 weeks and our long-term (6 months) guest was fully refunded even though the evacuation was lifted and she could have moved back in. I agreed with the refund for the 2 weeks she was unable to live there but wanted to compromise for the remaining 10 days. This was a very emotional time for me and felt very unsupported. The case manager in Ireland hung up on me and no one called back or returned emails even with my multiple attempts to get a response. I finally posted my complaint on their Facebook account per the suggestion of a fellow host and got a call back within hours. They don't want anything negative in social media and removed it pretty fast We finally worked out a solution that made me feel better. The bottom line is they are a big business  and need to learn much more about customer service. We are their customers. There would not be guests without hosts!