Airbnb quotes wrong price to guests

Airbnb quotes wrong price to guests

Even though I have created custom prices for the high season in my calendar, Airbnb quoted my guests using the base price. How do I make sure that this problem is not repeated?

6 Replies 6

I have a request for La Conchita de Cabuya Puntarenas, Costa Rica  In:  26 DEC  Out:  01 Jan for Sebastien Chevelair and Airbnb did not quote my high season rate with a $50 a day extra charge from Decsending this quote to me.... 15 - Jan 5.  The client has agreed to the total rate of $1110

the 6 night rate of $810 plus $300 for the high season.

I can not confirm to them until you confirm this amount with me... have my lisitng under Cabuya Island!!!!!  There are no properties on Cabuya Island and you have several listed..clients looking for Cabuya do not get me lisitng..


Do you really penalize hosts for not responding?   I do believe this is unbelievable....How do you expect to do this?


It seems there are many errors with airbnb and not much consideration for hosts.


The same thing just happened to me - I can not confirm the quote based on wrong calculation ( base price of 40 E instead of real price in top season of 80 E per day ). Even though my calendar has correct prices Airbnb has sent me a totally wrong quote, half the price I should get. Have you managed to solve the problem, what did you do and is everything alright now ?

What do the other members of Airbnb community suggest I should do ? It seems very difficult to contact Airbnb, any tips ?

thanks & regards

Vesna, Croatia


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Laura437, you're not talking to Airbnb in this forum, but to other hosts. If you have very specific problems with a booking, your listing etc. you need to contact Airbnb direct (I believe there are contact numbers in the Community Help forum) because they will not respond to you on here!

Level 2
Venice, Italy

It has just happened to me as well.  I have created custom prices in my calendar with every guest after 2 paying a supplement, but Airbnb quoted my guests with the price for 2.

Level 2
Raglan, New Zealand

Its also happened to me. Air B an B have offered my last 3 guests an old base rate. I am using special offer to adjust it. Any success with contacting Air B an B direct?

Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

Still happening. Quoted 11k asked for and paid for 50 percent deposit 

After 48 hours got reply saying 15k booking cancelled!!!!!!!