Am I expected to pay for repairs from guest damage before knowing if / how much I'll get reimbursed?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Am I expected to pay for repairs from guest damage before knowing if / how much I'll get reimbursed?

My guests broke a heating radiator. 


Am I supposed to pay to get it repaired before I even know if I will be reimbursed via the Resolution Center? 


How can I make a claim first to determine how much I will get, so that I can then chose the most appropriate repair option?  I don't know how much it will cost until I have the work done, but I am not going to pay to get the work done until I know if I'll get reimbursed! 


It's a circular chicken-or-egg dilemma. that airbnb need to provide guidance on! 



(BTW airbnb should not have suspended all communications channels with them to find this info out directly.  POOR PERFORMANCE AIRBNB) 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Gon0  Most insurance systems require some sort of information from the insured as to what the expense will be before adjudicating a claim.  Perhaps you can get an estimate for the repair costs and whether it can be repaired or has to be replaced.  Hopefully the security deposit you would have required will cover the expense.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom



1. You need to put a claim within 48 hours. The guest will need to admit liability.


2. All the ways of contacting BNB 2nd post community help forum