Another year has come and gone.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Another year has come and gone.

I needed a break from hosting and work around here, and this last week has seen me reach another milestone. I have left three quarters of a century behind and on the 25th August became a 76 year old!

Friends of ours suggested we have a few days away to celebrate in a beach-side holiday hamlet over on York Peninsula, so we packed plenty of nice food and a few decent wines and off we went for a few wonderful days of sun, sea and fun. 

We caught some fish, told a few tall stories until long into the night and had time away from the worries of the world.


I don't know if it's just my age showing, or if champagne bottles are getting harder to open but, one of my birthday presents has suddenly made my life so much easier!!!!


Like I said, I needed that break, batteries are recharged and it's back to hosting again!






35 Replies 35
Level 10
California, United States

Happy birthday! Looks like a lovely time!

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Happy birthday Rob!

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Robin4 I hate to break it to you but mathematically speaking you left 3/4 of a century behind you one year ago. Happy birthday!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Lisa, although I had a mechanical services company, maths was never my strong point so, I won't debate you about when I crossed that threshold. Suffice to say I am not mad about my age!!  





Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Happy birthday, and it's great to hear that you were able to rest and refresh.  I wish you many more years to come.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Happy birthday !


Happy Birthday~! Great to hear you had fun at the beach~~ 

Look forward to seeing you at the next zoom CC meetup 😄

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Jess, you know me, always been the show-off.

At one stage Airbnb were going to allow video clips in the listing description so I got to work on the piano and composed and played this little piece to back a few photos of the listing and the area. I thought it would be great promotion.......but alas, like lots of other Airbnb hype, it did not come to pass!



Level 10
Florence, Canada

Happy birthday, @Robin4 ! It is good to hear that things are good with you!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hey Lawrene, there are varying degrees of GOOD. My good is touched with a bit of agony. 


Five weeks ago Ade sat on her tablet.....nah, I won't go into how it happened, Ade does some strange things! Anyway her screen looked like this........!



I was in the process of purchasing and picking up 4,000 old red bricks to pave over the cracked concrete in our rear garden. This is what the pathways looked like 5 weeks ago......


Ade was somewhat devastated by the state of her tablet screen so, in between picking up trailer loads of bricks, I took her tablet into a local phone repair shop to get a cost on fitting a new screen.

In my haste I misjudged the height of the roadside curbing, and as I was on the run I tipped the curbing with my heel, flew through the air and landed heavily on my right side. It must have looked bad because people came from everywhere to see if I was okay! I lay there for about 20 seconds trying to establish if everything was still was, but with considerable pain in my right arm. 

A few days later a bruise came up as evidence of my folly!.......



Five weeks later the pain is still there and is really substantial. I kept on thinking that time would lessen it, but it hasn't so yesterday I had an Xray and I have a hairline fracture of my right humerous.....and I can tell you Lawrene, there is nothing humorous about it!    😩


To complicate things I have continued to charge headlong into this paving exercise and have laid almost all my 4,000 'old reds' and this is how that has come up! All my old cracked concrete has gone, much of it I have had to remove with a concrete electric demolition breaker.......not recommended with an injured shoulder!!!!





Every minute of the last 5 weeks I have been reminded of just what agony can be, and unfortunately with a cracked bone pain killers do not really provide any relief.


Sorry for the long explanation but I am sure you can understand Lawrene, things are good......... but they are good in a painful way!!!!







Broken, bruised and bloody and still laying bricks. Australians are tough! Or is it just the 76-year-old Australians, @Robin4 ?

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I think it is just that I hate the thought of growing old. I will not concede that there are things in my past that I can no longer do. My mortality is being forced on me Lawrene but, I am one of those who are going to be lead kicking and screaming into old age!


I am ultra-lite flying now as well and I will post some footage of that when I get the chance!



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Happy birthday @Robin4 


Sounds like you both had a wonderful break.


Perhaps you could make this birthday year  a year of planning and making amazing journeys to celebrate your lives together.


All the best Rob - you come across as a top bloke 



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Thanks Helen, yeah, we did have a good break away  but we are lucky, there is no COVID-19 here in our state and we can get away with confidence we are not going to bring anything nasty back home.


We have an around Australia cruise booked for November but we have not been asked for our final payment yet, and it is probable that the cruise will be cancelled in light of what is happening in one of our states. 

There are 9 of us in our close-knit group and we are going to see if we can get our cruise booking shifted to do a local river cruise instead on the Murray River Princess......



This boat has great reviews, it's nothing like the 'Oasis of the Seas' but it's a cruise we can do safely.


The other thing Helen, Ade really struggles these days, she puts on a brave face but, life is incredibly challenging for her and any holidays we plan have to be disabled friendly which really limits our choices!


You and I Helen, we have seen a lot come and go on the CC over the years, haven't we? But yours has always been the voice of reason, and one I have always respected, long may that continue!

