Are hosts fussier guests?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Are hosts fussier guests?

Just a question to throw out there. Do hosts make for more sympathetic, realistic guests (i.e. not expecting the hotel experience) or are they more judgmental? Or, is your experience that it makes no difference and varies from host to host?


My first host/guest, who has an immaculate looking listing, was very easy going and left a stellar review. The next one left quite a critical review and the longest private feedback I've ever got, outlining lots of ways that HE does things differently in his listing and why I should follow his example. Now, a bit of constructive criticism never goes amiss, and I took some of his points on board and have acted on them, but a lot were to do with stuff I can't really do much about (i.e. you can't really compare a house that is nearly 200 years old packed with original features to a new build apartment).


Very soon, I have someone coming to stay who is also a host and has loads and loads of glowing reviews and again, a place that looks immaculate. Should I be scared?!

3 Replies 3

Hosts are just like every other guest- some are good and some are not. I've learned not to expect any more from them than anyone else. Some take care of the house while others don't. Some are critical while others are extremely appreciative. However, some of the best advice I had when I got started came from Shai, a host out of California. He was so helpful and everything he predicted has come true. He's the type of guy that you hope to cross paths with again one day.


All that to say, just relax. Do your best. Take constructive criticism and move on to the next guest.


Best to you!

Personally, I don't think hosts are more fussy than typical guests.  They definitely have a color on their vision, since they go through the process with guests and believe they've got it down pat.

We stayed at a host home with almost 400 positive reviews that, after our stay, wouldn't be a place we'd go back.  It was the hardest review I could ever write.  She reached out and accused us as being fussy hosts that were trying to get them to live up to our own expectations.  After some reflection, we realized that we were suffering from the expectations we read in every other review.  Our biggest complaint and reason we wouldn't return, they had an open-door policy.  They left their doors unlocked and didn't issue keys to their guests.  All we could think of was the 400 plus reviews and countless guests who had stayed there who knew this.... it made us completely uncomfortable for the entirety of our stay.  But clearly this was OUR issue and we tried to clearly explain this.  They probably haven't had a single issue of theft of otherwise, so it really "wasn't" an issue for them, but it really was for us!

We had other personal issues - she had a beautiful spread of toiletries in the bathroom. Problem for us was how much space these took up. Both of us couldn't lay out our things in the bathroom because there was so many things on the counter, my cosmetics ended up perched on the toilet lid.  I had to unplug the nightlight to plug in my curling iron.  Are these deal breakers?  No.  But for us, it made us uncomfortable.  She had beautifully printed instructions and information on the night stands in the bedroom.  This included a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a water set up that was so generous and thoughtful.  All of these things also prevented us from setting down our phones, eyeglasses and other personal items while we were there - everything ended on the floor. Does that make us "fussy" and unreasonable?  To us, it was a bad fit and we tried to say that nicely in our public review and, privately, explained it as carefully as we could to the host.  

It is difficult not to see a property through the lens of how you'd do it for yourself, but ultimately, we've been glad for the feedback from other hosts.  Like once, a host's husband was here with a bad cold.  While they were complimentary about the free cold medicines we offered, they were critical of the fact we don't provide a garbage can in the bedroom to collect used tissues (they didn't think to move the one from their private bath next to the bed). Was it a petty complaint... probably... did we feel hurt... sure... did we change anything?... no since for all the other guests it was never an issue but we can completely understand why they complained! 

The nice thing is that other hosts will challenge you to think about how things could be different.  It's always a nice to think about things in a different way.  


We have had mostly 5 star reviews. Several of the few four stars have been from hosts. I think we are also a bit more critical when we travel than those who have very little airbnb experience. For example, we offer tourist information and maps. Many don't. It seems like a simple thing to do. We have mentioned it in private feedback.