Are you getting unreasonable responses from Airbnb?

Level 2
Austin, TX

Are you getting unreasonable responses from Airbnb?

I have been a super host consecutively for years managing several properties with a 90% 5-star rating.  As all experienced hosts know, guest issues can come up from time to time.  That said, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on mangaging those situations, less than 1% of guest stays ends in a 1 star review.


Over the past two months it feels like I have been running into two core issues.  


1)  More brand new guests are coming to Airbnb with very limited knowledge about what to reasonably expect from their stay.

2)  Customer support has turned from a somewhat reasonable arbitor of issues into an organization that will back the guest at all costs regardless of your rules and their terms and conditions.


In roughly the past 30 days I have lost $1500 to customer support.  Guest complaint about the unit = refund of fees even though it wasn't canceled.  Pricing issue where AirBnb discounted on their own my weekend rate, then would not respond to multiple inquiries then said trust us it's your fault.  Today they 100% refunded a non-refundable reservation that was missed due to canceled flight two days after the fact without explanation.  


Any thoughts or experiences would be welcome.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Como, CO

Sounds pretty common, all you can do is make sure your rates are adequate to allow for these costs.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Decrease your reliance on Airbnb.