Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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My first dealings with the Resolution Center and everything I've read on here is true! My guest damaged my garage door, which now needs to be replaced to function correctly.
The case manager is asking for an original receipt for the garage door. I'm tempted to send her the closing statement I got when I bought the house. I'm sure the garage door is a percentage of that price. *insert eye roll*
How the heck am I supposed to have a receipt for a garage door that was included with the purchase of my house? If a wall was damaged, are we supposed to provide a receipt for the original wall??
All insurance type companies or reimbursement systems will ask for receipts. Knee jerk response. Just go to a website of the type of garage door you have, screen shot the cost of the door for replacement to establish the original cost. good luck!
@Linda108 Yeah, upon re-reading the email, it actually appears I just need to provide ONE item on the list provided. My bad, I thought it meant I needed to provide ALL things on the list! A repair estimate is one of the items, which I have. At least I hope that's what it means...
My experience with the Resolution Center/Host Guarantee was relatively simple. It took almost a week to get a first response, but once I was assigned a case manager she responded immediately to anything else I asked.
I had the guest admit in the messages he did the damage, and all I needed to supply was an estimate for repair. I misunderstood the original request and thought I had to supply a whole list of things! I had already uploaded images of the damage.
I'm not 100% satisfied with the payout, BUT, it's the cost of doing business and overall, the process was not the nightmare I'd heard. Repair estimate was $640 (replace 2 garage panels) and I received $540 due to "depreciation." The only problem is that to make sure my garage door matches exactly, I will have to replace all 4 panels, which means I'll still be out of pocket about $400. Or perhaps I'll wait to see just how close they can match the panels!
Just wanted to share a mostly positive experience, since we read so much about the nightmares. I will get some flack for this, but in some cases, I do believe the host creates some of their own drama. Case in point: I myself didn't read the original email correctly and made this crazy post! Had I simply calmed down and read carefully, no drama. 🙂
Thanks for the update, @Suzanne302 . I think you are right that in the heat of the situation many of us will be our own worst enemy 😛 Many of us expect to be "made whole" by the insurance or claims process and rarely does that happen.
It's not great but hey, you got a result that was not a total slap in the face.
But Suzanne you have been the architect of your result and you have my respect for the way you have gone about it. You have been reasonable with the way you have approached this claim, you have asked for help and got it. By the sounds of it you were expecting a bad result but they actually did meet you some of the way!
I wish to God Airbnb would ditch this 'we have your back covered' business because hosts expect that Airbnb are going to go out on a limb and do something other insurers don't do.
When you have an accident in your 2013 Honda Acura, your comprehensive insurer is not going to give you a new vehicle.....they are going to repair and make good the damage! And in most cases there is going to be an excess that will have to be paid to simply get that done!
But this is not good enough for some hosts.
I know I keep banging on about this but, from my experience on both sides this damage/loss business, those with a reasonable expectation, will end up with a reasonable result.
Good on you Suzanne, like I said, you have my respect....and thanks for the update!
Glad it worked out for you. My favorite story remains the host who suffered a lot of damages (broken furniture, etc) and was asked by the case manager to have a 'licensed chair-repair person' make an estimate for the cost of repairing a valuable chair broken by a guest. And yes, they had to be licensed.
Of course, no such license exists.
@Rebecca181 that was me! I think I still have PTSD. 🙂
@Suzanne302 perhaps your attitude is the one we should all be taking, but prior to this guest’s arrival you had four matching garage panels. After this guest leaves, you should be able to have four matching garage panels. And if Airbnb thinks garage panels depreciate, perhaps they can direct you to the place where you can purchase the depreciated kind.
I agree with @Inna22. If it wasn't for this guest you wouldn't be out $400 (plus your time and energy) and a perfectly matching garage door.