Blocked days in calendar deleted?

Level 1
Providence, RI

Blocked days in calendar deleted?

I had at least 7 instances of blocked days, and I received two bookings tonite for dates that were supposed to be blocked off. I went into my calendar to find that all the dates that I had blocked off were deleted/have been opened up for booking. 

Has any one else experienced this? How do I keep it from happening? 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, OR

@Holly130 Yes, this happened to me multiple times - Very disconcerting. Initially I traced it back to when I changed my price for a period of time and put in the 'from' 'to' dates. All the dates blocked by me suddenly opened up when the price changedx. I didn't notice this for some time, however - Only when it happened a few more times. Mercifully, nobody booked the dates that I am not available to host.


So I thought I would just not ever make that mistake again. Yet, mysteriously, for no apparent reason, my dates opened up again. I now have taken screen shots of every single month showing my blocked dates in case it happens again and I get a booking that will need cancelling. Proof that the issue was not on my end.


It would be wonderful if this oft-reported bug would get fixed some day by ABB. We are always reminded how bad it is to cancel; the cancellations that come about from buggy software are just as egregious, if you ask me. Same result: Guest is cancelled.

I'm glad I'm not the only one this has happened to. This is the third time I've had to go in and re-blocked dates. They just disappear for no reason, I'm guessing when AirBNB does an update. I would love for it to be fixed to! I got two (luckily) inquiries right after the dates opened and had to explain why I couldn't accept them.