Can Airbnb separate 'Progress' and 'Earnings' for hosts with multiple listings?

Level 2
Churchill, United Kingdom

Can Airbnb separate 'Progress' and 'Earnings' for hosts with multiple listings?

I have just listed a 2nd property on Airbnb and noticed that the information in Progress and Earnings is not separated for each property.  I really hope there is a way around this!


Any suggestions, please?


Many thanks


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Katharine10  If you click on your Profile Picture and select Transaction History you can use the drop down All Listings to select just the one property. It will also give the total dollars from previous payments for each one and future payments. 

Level 2
Churchill, United Kingdom

Hi Letti


Thank you for your quick response!


You know how you can jump between listings via the calendar, views, etc. - it would be so helpful to be able to have this option with 'Earnings'. 


I refer to the bar chart in 'Earnings' a lot - so helpful to be able to see activity by month - and ideally by property.  But, sadly, it's now all merged which is disappointing.  


I'd be interested to know if Airbnb have received any requests for this.  Surely if the software can jump between diaries, it could extend this option to 'Earnings'???


Hey ho!


Thanks for your help!


Best wishes
