I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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Apparently I had the worst experience from another host. I booked without looking into his reviews. And airbnb has been supporting such bad repetitive behavior from the host. I booked on Christmas weekend in advance. I noticed most of his booking has been canceled over and over by many different people, even at the last minute. So, I managed to call my host, and begged him not to cancel my reservation for Christmas. He ended up asking for more money. I told him I'll pay the $24 it's not big of a deal to me. Then he went on saying in his area he should be charging people more money but because of the technical difficulties on airbnb the pricing was off. Again I agree to pay him more, but his tone over the phone was hostile and very agitating. It's like he was arguing with the wind. In the end I sent him more money over airbnb. So, I read majority of his bad reviews and thought nothing of it. He doesn't give his keys to his customers. One guy jumped over the fence to get to his bedroom and injured his hand. Another person ended up sleeping in their vehicle because it was late at night, again none of these people had access to enter the house without a key. Another reviewer said they had to wait 40 minutes to check in because the host wouldn't pick up his phone.. OK I thought what could go wrong.. Boy I was wrong he did me dirty like these people and airbnb is sugar coating him like frosted flakes. Check in was at 3 pm I let the host know I was coming at 5:30 pm. As soon as it was 5 pm, I called him 5 times each time he didn't pick up the phone. I texted him with no answer. As soon as I showed up at his door step he turned me away. Told me come back in 20 minutes. I told him I called him 5 times to let him know I was showing up. He said he knew that I called.. So, in the end he deliberately ignored my phone calls. I wasted gas showing up at his place only to be turned away. Then when I showed up again he said room isn't available come back in 40 minutes. Again I'm in the cold standing outside I called airbnb to cancel because I couldn't put up with it anymore. Airbnb couldn't contact him either..took them several tries but to no avail. I ended up sleeping in my car and cutting the trip really short that night. It was so stressful and exhausting to drive 4 hours back to my place. Everywhere else was booked. So I got my full refund, left a review about my experience, but airbnb cover his hiney. All I see is sugar coat reviews from other guests.
Hi #Ann
I am sorry that you have received such bad service from a supposed Host on airbnb. It concerns me that you say airbnb allows some hosts to abuse their guests.
If the hosts cancels within 24 hours then the guest can leave a review. I don't know what happens if the guests cancel.
Have you reported this host?
If you are ever in the UK come to the Lake District and we will show you how airbnb should be.
I think a lot of people reported him, but airbnb said he is the backbone of the community. I guess money over hospitality is put first. I just feel bad if another guest stays.
"So I got my full refund, left a review about my experience, but airbnb cover his hiney. All I see is sugar coat reviews from other guests. "
If you left a review it can take 14 days until the review is published. This is because each, guest and host, have 14 days period where they can leave a review of each other. The reviews are only published after both have written a review, or after the period has expired.
II am so sorry you had that terrible experience, and wished that this host is removed from the platform. But even then i fear he could just sign up and create a new account when airbnb does nothing special about him.
Anyway thank you for warning others. Apparently airbnb takes such issues much more serious if you post them on facebook or twitter, if you have such accounts that will have a much higher effect than here in this forum where mostly hosts are active.
No I got a response from Airbnb stating my review was deleted. The only reason why it was deleted because in the review I stated I called Airbnb to cancel, they tried to call host but he wouldn’t pick up the phone either. That is why my review was deleted.. it was just honest review they knew but they cave into this persons demand. The way he talks over the phone is hostile and demanding thus why most of the bad reviews are deleted. The top portion of his reviews are exceptional good from other guest, until you scroll all the way to the bottom you notice people complaining about him.
It doesn’t take 14 days for the review to appear, Airbnb contacted me to say they were removing my review. They caved into his demands. The sad part is a lot of people got injured trying to access his property without a key. In one review I read someone jumped a fence trying to get through the backdoor to their bedroom, as a result he injured himself. The host is a huge liability to Airbnb, the treatment towards guest is beyond communication.. just listening to him ramble over the phone was a bit too hostile and threatening to me. It’s not why I canceled him, but he was a shady host who would not let me access his place nor pick up his phone. Airbnb is not really concern about the safety of their guest. I guess there will be future lawsuits due to being injured or abused on his premise. And Airbnb has turned a blind eye.
AirbnbHell - I love it.
I have become so bored of this host board - too many people preaching to the congregation.
It's very fun to see the guests view. The comments are likewise vicious - like packs of dogs fighting.
Best Xmas present. Thank you
@Ann298, did you tell airbnb, that the host asked for more money after the booking was made, not to cancel? That would amount to extortion and can get him removed faster than a series of cancellations. You can still do it, via your reservation in your account, or flag the conversation with him.
Airbnb has a problem with their automatic pricing tool, which sometimes selects prices way too low. Some hosts cancel such bookings, other are furious, but take the hit. Obviously, the guests are not aware of the price too low, to them it’s just a price in their price range. Asking for more money after the booking is not allowed by the terms of service.
I do hope, your host will either get removed, if he is a con artist, or gets wise enough to switch off the automatic prices and bookings, to avoid such annoying proceedings.
As he does not hand out keys, he may have trust problems too or be not experienced yet. That’s unusual.
I hope your next trips are way better - good chances for that.
I guess, first and foremost, why on earth did you book with this host noting his past hosting history.
You know, if the lion opens his mouth it would be fullhardy in the extreme to put your head in there!!!
Ann, Airbnb do take host behaviour seriously and I can tell you categorically, if you report this host and give the reason you are reporting this host is that he demanded additional money outside the Airbnb platform and refused entry to your confirmed reservation his account will be immediately closed, no ifs, no buts! It happens every day.
Airbnb do not support inappropriate behaviour from hosts and they do their best to weed out users that may do the wrong thing, but seriously Ann, did you think you were going to be the exception to the rule in this case?
Airbnb removed your review because the stay did not take place and it is against Airbnb policy to publish a review for a hosting that did not happen.
Ann, when you search for a property there are filters at the head of the search page. Scroll across to the last one which says 'More Filters' and in that section you will find a filter that says 'Superhosts, stay with recognised hosts' If you click that filter the only properties that will be displayed to you are those of hosts who have a record of looking after their guests. Superhosts do not cancel guests reservations, do not ask for additional payments, and they go out of their way to make a guests stay memorable, for all the right reasons.
If you search via this filter you will be virtually guaranteed that you will have a wonderful experience.
Superhosts do not have the fanciest properties, the highest prices....they just have a record of pleasing their guests. Remember it is not Airbnb who make superhosts....it is their guests!
I am sorry Ann, I am cross! I am cross because I am a host and this sort of behaviour is a slur on what I am proud of doing, and I am cross that despite all the red flags you still walked into this situation.....buyer beware!
Actually Robin they removed my review because of “content policy” which I stated I called Airbnb to cancel my reservation and Airbnb tried to contact the host several times. It was an honest review since the phone conversation was being recorded. They took it off because of the investigation between me and Airbnb.
Robin his first 5 or 6 top reviews were good. That's when I booked him, he had 4.5 stars. And I think mine and others were deleted. As soon as I booked him I read the rest of the bottom reviews, they were horrific, people got injured trying to enter his house and thrown out. Hes very hostile and billigerent over the phone.
Sorry you had this bad experience. But you are incorrect that Airbnb is sugar-coating.
In his reviews, he will recieve a public "Host canceled 24 hours prior to reservation" review.
This is the kiss of death for a host.
Prospective guests will see this and be on guard - just like you were.
Airbnb relies on the review system to police their offerings.
If guests see a low price and many host cancellations, they should enter the agreement with a pragmatic gambler's sense of "adventure" and have a back up plan.
No he canceled probably more than 10 or 15 people and still get bookings. His rates are very cheap, but after booking he requested more money. Most of the bad reviews remained at the bottom, where others can’t see. the good reviews remained at the top. Mine was removed because I complained about it. He’s very good at being hostile over the phone and getting his demand. Airbnb contacted me to let me know I violated their content policy by stating I contacted Airbnb to cancel in the review.
If airbnb removed the review, you must have violated their guidelines. It takes a lot for airbnb to remove a review. Or it was removed because you did not stay.