Cancelled a guest but those dates are unavailable to anyone else

Level 2
Prahran, Australia

Cancelled a guest but those dates are unavailable to anyone else

I'm wondering if you can help me???


Recently i had a guest who booked my apartment for 4 nights for 2 people.


She then told me via messages that she would be 5 people staying and that 3 would sleep in the bed and 2 on the couches. 


My apartment is listed for a maximum of 2 people and when she applied she only stated in the contract 2 guests.


I was not comfortable with the idea and i felt that she was breaking the terms in the contract, so I apologised to her and told her that unfortunately i was not able to accommodate her. Providing a full refund.


I then cancelled her booking with 16 days notice, but for some reason when i go to my calendar it shows the dates of her booking are unavailable for anyone else to book. 


Could SOMEONE please help me make those dates available for other guest to book.




6 Replies 6
Level 10
Como, CO

One of the penalties of a host cancelling is that the dates are blocked on your celendar.

Level 2
Osaka, Japan

The reason of cancellation is sounded so it is better for you to contact airbnb to open your calender again and as for the exemption of the penality of cancellation. 

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Michael251 You should have contacted Airbnb for assistance with this guest.  Airbnb imposes penalties on host cancellations one of which is blocking the reservation dates so they cannot be re-booked.  Another is an automated review showing on your listing that you cancelled a reservation for all prospective guests to see.  You can read more about these penalties here:


You can try to contact Airbnb and give them an explanation. Click on the link below to see how you can reach Airbnb. 





Hi everyone,


Thankyou for your help, How do I contact Airbnb so as to give them an explaination?


is there an email address?


or can someone redirect me I cant make calls as i am not in the country.

@Michael251 I suggest you use twitter @airbnbhelp.  They'll ask you to DM (Direct Message) your email address and they will get in touch with you.  Here's how to send them a DM:

Direct Message to Airbnbhelp.JPG


Never post your email or phone number in a regular tweet since it is public for the world to see.  A DM is private between you and Airbnb so use that instead. 


Hope this helps!

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands