
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Cleaning visits

Level 2
Waterloo, Canada

Cleaning visits

Hi there, 

I offer guests staying over 7 nights a cleaning visit at least 1x week.  For my current guests (3rd time visiting), the cleaner reported that the place was extremely messy- dirty dishes, food lying around, caked on food on cupboard, garbage left inside etc.  She also believes they smoke, disregarding the no-smoking rule.  Nevertheless, she was not very happy about the amount of cleaning she did on this visit.  I messaged the guests to remind them of the no-smoking rule and to keep the place tidy - that dirty dishes, food lying around and garbage can encourage rodents.  The guests wrote back saying she will discuss my concerns after her vacation, and to let the cleaner know they won't be needing her for the duration of their stay (which will be over a week unattended), and that they will leave the place as they found it. 

Since the location is in the tropics, things can get really nasty, buggy, and caked on if left alone.  Previous guests behavior did encourage a rat inside which caused some damages to linens/pillows, and took over a week to get rid of.  The guests don't have any cleaning supplies except for a mop/broom.  

What would you do?  Let it fly and not send up the cleaner?  

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Nirala0 Sounds like you should check this out for yourself. I would message the guest and say that you are planning to stop by because you will be in the area and that you would love to meet them.  If the house is in poor condition, you can address it at that point.  But in all honesty, they may do a deep clean prior to leaving and just be letting it all go because they are on vacation. Doubtful, but it is possible. I would go and see for myself. 

@Laura2592Thanks for the response.  I would check-up but live across the ocean.  I get there on the day they check-out.  

@Nirala0in that case, I would just say "Thanks so much for your feedback. As a remote host our cleaning crew is an essential part of our property management team and will continue visiting once a week.  Its important that on longer stays we keep up with the maintenance of our home-- in the tropics its essential due to the wildlife that can find their way into residential areas. I appreciate your offer to deep clean prior to leaving, but our expectation of our guests is that they keep our place tidy in alignment with our house rules during their visits. We have the cleaning service to assist with this. I will let you know when she is scheduled to return. Enjoy your stay and I will see you on the day of check out."

That is an amazing response, @Laura2592 !  I will be using it. 🙂  Thank you kindly! 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Nirala0  I think you'll have to let this one go, as you say you "offer" a once a week cleaning. You should change this for the future by making sure you state the once a week cleaning not as an offer but as a normal policy. Don't let it be the guests' choice. Maybe even put it in house rules. Make sure guests agree to this before accepting their reservation.

I also live in the tropics and this kind of piggish behavior would be a disaster here- luckily I only list a private room in my home, so I can make sure the guests know not to eat or leave open food or food wrappers in their room.

These people don't want the maid to come back because they want to continue to smoke there and live in a dirty mess. I'd be really surprised if they "leave the place as they found it".

But you also say these are 3rd time guests- were there not these issues the last 2 times, or didn't you have a cleaner then?

@Sarah977I do state that the cleaner 'will' visit once per week.  My error in writing the word 'offer' above. The current cleaner is new and the previous cleaner(s) never mentioned anything about these particular guests.  My espresso machine was broken during their last stay though but that remains a big mystery about whodunnit. 

@Nirala0  Then I guess you have to choose between exercising your authority to have the cleaner come in, telling them this isn't a guest "choice", but the normal way you run your business, as this was already known to them, and risking them leaving a bad review because of it, or letting it go and probably having to spend some time helping your cleaner get it back into shape. 

But I could imagine they might leave a bad review anyway, just because they were called out on their mess. 

And if something is broken during a guest stay that wasn't broken when they arrived, there doesn't seem to be any mystery involved, unless the unit was on it's way out anyway, or malfunctioned.

@Sarah977  Or, maybe the dishonest cleaner (at that time) had anything to do with the cracked tank.   

Thank you for the motivation to exercise some authority - never comfortable with this as hosting is still somewhat new and managing from abroad can be stressful. 

@Nirala0  Ah, yes, a definite possibility if you had a dishonest cleaner.

Your place is charming- so light and airy and simple. I'd love to stay there.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Nirala0  I just looked at your listing! So LOVELY and relaxing looking. But yes, I can see where a messy guest would be a nightmare.  

Thanks Laura.  It's absolutely beautiful!   

@Nirala0 I would definitely err on the side of protecting your beautiful home rather than too much worry about the guests reaction. If you are polite and warm at check out I'm sure all will be well 

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

It's not a bad idea, if you are planning to accept so long term reservations in the future, to provide some basic cleaning supplies for your guests. It will be very difficult for your cleaner to get the home back to perfect condition only with 1 visit per week. Consider, that it's always possible 0,5% of your guests to be...not "messy", but let's say-not very clean.

Thanks!  Will have that ready.