Congratulations Stephanie !!

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Congratulations Stephanie !!

In another thread @Stephanie has confirmed she's pregnant and expecting her baby in July

@Cathie19 @Huma0 @Robin4 @Ria0 @Kath9 and

@everyone else please tag others and share our joy for @Stephanie fabulous news.


Congratulations and all the very best to add to your family.


Shall we have a guessing game what the baby will be, girl or boy, twins, triplets and what the baby or babies will be called???


I'm picking a strawberry related name 😉

65 Replies 65

@Stephanie  Congratulations!  I'll think on some baby names for you, but you're going to make us all work double hard if you don't tell us the gender :-))

And hey, I know modern medicine has all pregnant women thinking they dare not touch a drop of alcohol, but babies don't get fetal alcohol syndrome or anything else bad from you having the occasional sips of wine or beer. I've never been much of a drinker, but I had 3 kids and I didn't pass on a small glass on a festive occasion when I was pregnant. They all turned out 7 and a half to 8 and a half pounds, perfectly healthy and were all A students- nothing wrong with their brains at all.

It wasn't all that long ago that pregnant women were advised to have a glass of beer a day!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


It wasn't that long ago pregnant women and new mothers were encouraged to smoke!


When my two girls were born there was an ashtray on every hospital bedside table.

The nurses encouraged the new mothers to smoke, they said it relaxed them and calmed their anxiety about the birth. 

One nurse we came across even said she encouraged the nursing mothers to smoke! She claimed it aided the production of milk for the baby.


Like I said in another thread.....times have changed!



Community Manager
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London, United Kingdom

@Sarah977 @Robin4 


It's the same with the ways of raising the child too - you can find an article or a testimony for almost anything these days and I don't think there's a strict rule set to follow! Keep them fed, watered and loved. Same as a dog only more demanding (which is hard to believe after Brandon!)



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Level 10
New South Wales, Australia



Congratulation and thank for such good news for a change


i like Charlotte as name

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks @Marie82 ! I think Charlotte's a gorgeous name!



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Level 10
Chicago, IL

Congratulations @Stephanie !  I've always liked the name Amber for a girl or Zachary for a boy.  Also always liked Jesse, could go for either a boy or girl. 🙂

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London, United Kingdom

Both my sisters husbands are called Zach already, and my friends daughter is Amber so I don't want to get people confused at Christmas! Lovvvvveee Jesse though! Thank you so much @Jody79 



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London, United Kingdom


Another scan in a few weeks, this ones about a month old now!



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Level 10
Northland, New Zealand

@Stephanie @Many congratulations to you and your family. . My daughter lives in London (happily married) and we ‘FaceTime’ every day so that it seems that we are not that far away.

I wonder what technology will be out there by the time your child is say 18 🙂 

Enjoy your pregnancy..a very special time ❤️

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London, United Kingdom

God only know but I hope to be one of them parents that still knows how to use latest tech and not "annoying" the youngun! @Ria16 



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Congrats!!!!!!! @Stephanie 

It's soooooo nice to see some good news on the CC. 

Baby Names~~~ I've always liked Emily for a girl and Spencer for a boy. And a unisex name, Taylor. 



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Great work @Helen427 starting this lovely discussion. Super exciting. 


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Level 10
Peterborough, Canada

Congratulations @Stephanie! Wishing you health and happiness...and LOADS less stress over the coming months 🙂

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Stephanie  we don't have children but I am fairly obsessed with naming things-- people, pets, houses, businesses. So in no order, some of my favorites


Lavinia (Vinnie is a cute nickname for a girl and its a name you don't hear everywhere, though its traditional)


Dorothea (love Dot as a nickname)








Laszlo (I know, weird name, but I heard it a lot in Hungary and got obsessed with it)





Augustus (Gus is a cute name)




Level 10
Frederick, MD

Oh wait-- Strawberry? Names that mean Strawberry? 


Fraser means strawberry flowers.