Congratulations Stephanie !!

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Congratulations Stephanie !!

In another thread @Stephanie has confirmed she's pregnant and expecting her baby in July

@Cathie19 @Huma0 @Robin4 @Ria0 @Kath9 and

@everyone else please tag others and share our joy for @Stephanie fabulous news.


Congratulations and all the very best to add to your family.


Shall we have a guessing game what the baby will be, girl or boy, twins, triplets and what the baby or babies will be called???


I'm picking a strawberry related name 😉

65 Replies 65
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London, United Kingdom

HAHAA @Helen427 , that didn't take long! So sweet of you - this is my first child after hubbie and I struggled for many years so is a rainbow baby. I know what the gender is already but I won't be revealing until May 😉 


It's just the one baby (thank god, my house is too small for more!) Love the idea of baby name ideas! I already have a strawberry baby (cat). 





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Best wishes (for both of you). July is very close . А  Water zodiac sign.

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London, United Kingdom

Water Zodiac? 😮 I'm not clued up with that, do you have some details on what it means, sounds super interesting @Dimitar27



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No...a water zodiac sign.The twelve zodiac signs are grouped into four elements—fire, earth, air and water.

Fire Signs: 

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19),

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22),

Sagittarius  (Nov 22-Dec 21)                
Earth Signs: 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20),

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) ,

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Air Signs: 

Gemini (May 21-June 20),

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22),

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Water Signs: 

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

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London, United Kingdom

Ooohh right @Dimitar27 ! Yes, my friend said she was worried the baby might be a Leo haha (if they come late!)



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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Don't say that @Stephanie I'm a Leo.....although that's not necessarily a recommendation 🙂


But we do have a rather fetching mane 🙂

@Helen3 @Dimitar27 @Stephanie  I don't follow astrology much, but I have to say, I've noticed that my life seems to be peopled with those from certain signs way more than others. Lots of Aries (the opposite sign to mine) and lots of Sagittarius. As a Libra, an air sign, I'm attracted to fire signs. 

One day, a few years ago, it suddenly dawned on me that all my 3 daughters and I represented all four elements. I guess we're the perfectly balanced family??? Sure doesn't seem like that sometimes.

Stephanie- if it's a boy and a Cancer, watch out- they're real homebodies and he may still be living in Mom's basement at the age of 40 :-))🙂

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

How lovely to hear such amazing news. Many congratulations to you and your family. @Stephanie 


So lovely to hear your happy news in the midst of these dark days.


When I was pregnant I got baby books. My family aren't English so we got baby book names from his country and my mother's.


I think baby names sometimes come to you when they are born I am sure family and friends will be forthcoming with suggestions. Just don't saddle them with a name that will make them the but of jokes at school - Sky, Apple, Trixibelle, etc your child will never forgive you 🙂


There was a girl at my school called Anita Burke poor girl got called A nit A burke throughout her secondary school days.


So your happy news has finally leaked out Steph! I swear, it wasn't me who let the cat out of the bag... I know how to keep a secret! ;))


Saoirse is a lovely name for a girl - means "freedom" in Gaelic. or pehaps, Aisling - means "dream" or "vision". And for a boy, maybe Donovan - "warrior ", Ted or Teddy - "gift of god", or Liam - "determined protector". It's true what they say though - you can spend months poring over baby name books and agonising over the perfect moniker.. then out pops baby and you take one look at him/her and go, "Nah! You look nothing like that perfect name I finally picked for you, that I spent countless hours of my pregnancy choosing", and instantly come up with a completely random name out of left-field that you'd never even thought of before, but suits your little one to an absolute T!


I've tried to respond to your PM half a dozen times -just not happening for me! Really disappointed this bloody coronavirus has put a spanner in the works for our little soiree, but honestly, I was always a bit worried about the thoughts of you getting on a plane over here while preggers, even before we had any idea how bad things were going to get. But hey, hopefully we'll get to have our mocktails sometime in the not too distant future anyway ;))


Hope the sickness has all passed now, and hubby is taking great care of you and spoiling you rotten, as every new mum-to-be should be spoiled! Stay safe lady, and get yourself plenty of rest ;))


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London, United Kingdom

HAHA you did a grand job @Susan17 ! I checked travel before all this rubbish kicked off and was allowed to travel up until 8 months - not to say I'm not already at the waddle phase ;D


Gorgeous names, I especially like Teddy because Colin (my husband) means Bear Cub! 


Here's to the time humans can travel again and socialise with the distance!





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Hi Stephanie


I wish you will bring the sun in the universe to give light to this dark world. May god bless you and your family. 


Best wishes from Airbnb Family.




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London, United Kingdom

What a beautiful sentiment @Md-Mizanur1 , thank you so much!



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@Stephanie  Congratulations, Stephanie! Wishing you all the best!   🙂


PS: We just learned that we will be grandparents for the seventh time in October!  

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London, United Kingdom

OMG Congratulations back to you @Ann489 ! My parents are about to be grandparents the 5th time (thought it's because we are a family of 5 children already).



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