Coronavirus | Staying safe and prevention

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Coronavirus | Staying safe and prevention

Hello All,

Hope you are well. 
Firstly, I would like to say that my heart goes out to all affected from the Coronavirus disease, from those physically, through to those affected economically by it. I truly am so, so sorry and ask that you stay safe. 

Having spoken with someone I adore and respect wholeheartedly but know has a tendency to worry... I wanted to take this opportunity to share a very useful source of information regarding prevention methods.

All credit to the World Health Organisation. 

I hope whoever actually reads this is given a sense of security and comfort, as knowledge is ultimately power. 

Stay safe everyone. 


(a former healthcare professional) 


32 Replies 32

@Sandra126 , the Chinese Gov is not the poster nation for reasonable response to many thing, there are lessons we can learn from their experiences but they arent always willing to be forthcoming with the full truth so I think we should pay more attention to what the CDC and other experts that are telling us the facts.  I wasn't trying to be flip or dismiss peoples real concerns about people that are actually dying from this but.  To be sure, its not insignificant when a communicable illness spreads across the globe.  My point was that this one is not associated with an extreme mortality rate like Ebola, Smallpox, Polio or plagues in this and the last century that killed most of the people who contracted them. There is a relatively small population of humans of this planet that are risk of dying from this before a treatment and inoculation are available to prevent it from doing so.   


The 24 hour news cycle can and does create more than an informed public, it often overblows things like foul weather, political folly and rampant deviance that leads to useless reactivity even if mountains dont actuality crumble in their wakes. This too shall pass and we need to react with the things that matter, prevent and treat this like the sickness it is not the boogie man we are powerless to respond to.  Im glad Airbnb has recognized that which we know will happen, some or many of us will be exposed and contract this illness and they have an actionable policy to help us out, thats a good thing  

@Melodie-And-John0  I wouldn't be putting much trust in what the CDC is telling you, either. Not with your current fact-repressing administration. Health professionals and scientists have been calling them out for their inadequate response.

Social distancing should combination with other everyday preventive actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including wearing masks, avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands, and frequently washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Also, good nutrition is crucial for health, particularly in times when the immune system might need to fight back. Also, more fresh vegetables and fruits can increase immunity. I also take vitamin C, omega 3, and D 3. I order at the  Canadian Pharmacy  , there is a large selection and affordable prices.