Daughter Stuck in Spain - looking for ideas.

Level 10
New York, NY

Daughter Stuck in Spain - looking for ideas.

Hi, my daughter just finshed a mission trip with her church in Spain was supposed to to fly to Istambul on Monday to AuPair for a family untill late August when she was going to meet up with us in London before doing a semester aboard in Galsgow. 

With everything going in Turkey with the Coup (or whatever is going on there), airports closed, general unrest she may be stuck. She is currently in Málaga, Spain.

Looking for ideas (that are not too expensive) other than having my 19 year old Daughter hosteling alone in Europe or forcing her to return to the USA.  I have reached to some cousins and other relatives who may have a network on contacts for her.  She wont' have working papers but would be willing to AuPair, provide care or other options.  


Just a shot in a dark and looking for other ideas from this community. 


Thanks In Advance.



Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ
1 Reply 1

How scary for you Andrew! Oy, the difference a day makes! Thank God she is still in Spain!  I don't have any ideas for you, wish I did, just couldn't pass by just reading, wanted to reach out to tell you more prayers are added for your daughter's safety & well-being!


Keep us posted, Ok??