Declining A Reservation due to Discomfort - will the guest know?

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

Declining A Reservation due to Discomfort - will the guest know?

Hello Community!!


We had to decline a request recently due to our discomfort with a potential guest.

When I selected that option, Airbnb prompted a few messages to fill in - one to Airbnb about why we are uncomfortable and then one to the guest!


Airbnb's message said something along the lines of "we will let the guest know you were not comfortable..."


We would never want someone to know this for the potential upset or repercussions.


Do you know if this is just an error in the Airbnb Text or do they actually give the reason to the potential guest as to why you said no?


Thank you for your insights and help!



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Bergen, Norway


I suppose the only way to find out would be to test with someone who can report back to you.  airbnb pushes hosts not to decline, so it can be a part of their scheme to make us think twice before declining.  

I've hit decline when the local rugby games are held and kids are trying to get a booking for six in a two people room. I declined a whole heap of requests for that reason and some were really rude when they got the response, so I am guessing they saw it. I really hate that they make you type a message. I feel like a kid made to write a sorry note.