Departing Guests let Arriving Guests in - Without my OK

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Departing Guests let Arriving Guests in - Without my OK

**Here's what happened :
** I left for work at 6:15am, my adult son was asleep at the other end of the house

** Guest A checked out approx 7am.

** Guest B arrived about that time and sent this message

Hi Terri,
Just to let you know, [departing guest] let us in to put our luggage in the house. We will visit the town now. We will see you later
Today at 07:17
(as I have no access to the internet - even mobile - at work, I only got the fiirst few words of the message via TXT)
** I dont know when Guest B actually left the house
** My son was blissfully ignorant of Guest B's arrival and luggage drop, therefore left the house by his own entrance and left for [another city]
** Guest A locked the door and returned the key to the correct place, but left all 5 windows open in his room/ensuite - probably assuming Guest B would shut them before they left.
** I arrived home from work several hours later

Just because Guest B arrives in the country at 5am, does not entitle them to do this.  Guest A should not have let them in either!
This was the original message from Guest.  It provided all the information I ask for from guests, and (silly me!) 'proved' they had read my listing properly.

We would like to stay at your place during our stay in Auckland, we will be visiting the city for a few days before we depart on our roadtrip through New-Zealand. We will be arriving at 5.05 am at the international airport.
Our full names our: [names] We will not be needing any help leaving your house in case of an emergency.
Thanks in advance.

How would you deal with this?  What would you say to Guest B and how to review Guest A??
1 Reply 1

i would tell guest B that guest A meant well to let them in, but your home was left in a vulnerable state, since no one closed the windows before leaving the property. Ask guests B to reread the rules their booking requires them to obey, because you need to know that they understand them and do not want another mishap. You might suggest that they tell a host when they expect to arrive at the property if they want to leave luggage, so the host can arrange to be there. Then follow up with how horrible it would have been for you to be told that their luggage was missing, when you hadn't even known that they had left it, because your check in time is late in the day and you had no warning that they wanted to leave bags ahead of time.


I'd give guests A the review that would have been given had they not left with the windows open, then in the private message explain that you understood they were trying to help, but that your home could have been burglerized, because the windows were never closed and you found them open when you arrived home from work.


It sounds like guests B arrived when your son was already out of the house, so encouraging guests to give you a time of "arrival at the property" would prevent this from happening in the future. The worst thing about the entire scenario is that if something went wrong, you can bet you'd get a less than stellar review.


Your rules are very clear, but I actually had a hard time finding them on the listing, so another preventive fix could be to ask every guest during booking to take another look at the full list of house rules, since their booking requires their adherence to the rules.