Do you need help making your place attractive to stay to guests

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Do you need help making your place attractive to stay to guests

I feel a bit awkward posting this - so here goes. All my life I have been interested in art, furniture, architecture, and just comfortable living spaces. I have colleted items at auctions, charity shops, you name it.....


We get a lot of comments on how lovely our place is - a mix of ecclective and modern, expensive and so cheap. I have enjoyed doing this for our homes over the years in London, Brighton and Bristol and would be happy to help people who perhaps are struggling with making their place feel welcoming for guests. I am based in E3 - not talking about charging a fee - but willing to look over a room or property and give some suggestions. It's part of my longer term plan to turn this into a business but right now it's just about helping others. If you woud like an honest view of your London home, then feel free to contact me. 

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