Guest Reviews

Level 3
Marlboro, MA

Guest Reviews

AirBnb sets its expectations of hosts on the following web page:

Cleanliness, Essential Amenities, Accurate listing details, Easy check-in and Communication


Guests are then given the opportunity to review their visit based on :
Accuracy, Check-in, Cleanliness, Communication, Location and Value.
AirBnb sets no expectations for a listing's Location or Value for either hosts or guests, so what does a guest's rating in either of these categories actually mean? 
If a listing's location is accurately described in the listing, but a guest finds that it is not exactly up to his/her expectation for their specific need for their visit, is that something that AirBnb expects the host to address?  If so, how?
AirBnb are unable to set out an expectation for value, since it is a matter of the perception of an individual guest.  If the amenities described in the listing are all available at the advertised price, the host has fairly set out the value proposition and the guest has accepted it, then how is a value rating actually of any value?
The expectations that AirBnb has for its hosts are, in my view, very reasonable.  Basing guests reviews on other criteria for which AirBnb has set no expectations is totally unreasonable and the cause of tremendous dissatisfaction and frustration amongst many hosts.
The change is simple - match the guest review criteria to the expectations that are set out for the host.
2 Replies 2
Level 2
Toledo, WA

This is not directly related but a question.

Can a Guest still write a Review even tho' the "window" to do so has expired? Several want to but by the time they got home from their Vacation the opportunity had expired.




No. They have 2 weeks and the system won't let either person add or modify a review after that window is up.