Guest left a review based on old review from others

Level 2
Bali, Indonesia

Guest left a review based on old review from others

Hello, we had an unhappy guest who decided to leave but I gave a 1 night refund anyways eventhough my policy is strict. Then she left a review based on a review from another guest's experience couple of months ago just to give me a bad review on top of my page. And now new guests are asking about it. I read on Airbnb's policy that reviews must be about your personal experience.


Thank you.

9 Replies 9
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I have carefully studied your listings and the review you are speaking of, and I would consider that the review is unfair to you.

Your listing while not being as luxurious as your other listing appears to be well presented and certainly worth the asking amount.

Totally disregard statements about location because your map is correct and scales the distance to the beach relatively accurately. She knew what she was booking!

Unfortunately Desiree you are going to get someone like this every now and then! It may be that they are looking for a 'freebie' and will invent scenarios to put to the Resolution centre to try and have all or some more of their money returned. They booked it as they saw it so, stand your ground. And to bring up events from months ago is unforgivable, and I would think give you grounds to have this review of hers removed.

The only wrong thing you did to my mind, is attack her with your response. On her page you can say what you like about her, but on your page you must always appear dignified and concilatory! Say something like....

"As hard as I tried to please Teale my efforts were somewhat fruitless, even after offering her a partial refund. I wish her well for the future and it may be possible for her to find accommodation more to her liking elsewhere"!

You will look the injured party and she will look like a complete prima donna and just reading her review would make any host run a mile before accepting her....I know I would.

Bad luck Desiree, explain the circumstances of this review to ABB and your actions and there is a good possibility that it will be removed. Good luck and we would love to know how you get on. I will keep watching your profile to see what happens!



Level 10
Moriches, NY

Im going to respectfully disagree with Rob. I dont think they said anything slanderish. They stated facts about their experience. And unfortunately their statements line up with alot of other bad reviews you have. Numerous guests have complained about the bugs, the long distance to the beach, that the villa is hard to find & the construction next door.  Numerous complaints about theft. And one review even tells guests to make sure they bring toilet paper! Several guests had to ask for refunds.

I dont feel their review is unfair. What I think is that you need to make an attempt to up the standards of your villa.

You say people are questioning you about that bad review? I highly doubt they are questioning you because of that ONE bad review. I believe they scrolled down the reviews as I did and found one complaint after another. Yes you do have many great reviews as well. But since the bad reviews are all about the same problems over & over, I suspect they are accurate.

Im also going to add that the review you left HER was not very nice! Rob, you should read it. THAT was closer to a personal attack than this one. Its obvious in your review of her that you were just out for revenge.

Im sorry, I hope you find a way to work it all out. But in my opinion its not the guests fault in this instance. And you need to calm down.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Oh Diane, I don't want to cross swords with you you are too **bleep** good for that, but that did surprise me a bit so I went back and looked at her reviews!

Of the last 40 that I read 34 are complimentary with no stated problems, 3 did mention insects in one way or another although 1 said it was no big deal. One mentioned no toilet paper! The overwhelming majority were complimentry about the cleanliness, and most said location was good. As a bunch of reviews I didn't think they were that bad....I assume we are looking at the same reviews, I couldn't see any for her other listing.


What does really perturb me now is the second incidence of theft by someone associated with the listings!!

Dianne, I did not see that on reading the first time around, and that does totally change the complexion of things.

I, like you, would not now recommend this host @Desiree0! If there was an report of theft in my cottage of a guest I would move heaven and earth to get to the bottom of it. I felt Desiree was a bit dismissive of the first instance but to allow the situation to continue and a similar occurence to happen again within a short amount of time is totally reprehensible.

The guest Teale having seen both these instances had every right to bring this up and I am now sorry I said otherwise. my bad for not reading far enough!

I would now go so far as to say with Desiree's scant regard for other peoples posessions I would suggest that Airbnb remove her listings before anyone else gets caught there. It appears that her attitude is....'Well that's Bali, take it or leave it'  No, the platform does not need that! Ditch her! Thanks for pulling me up on this occasion Diane!


Unfortunately she left the guest such a mean review that no one will probably ever rent to that guest again. That particular guest has another review that is so-so.  So pretty much that guest is screwed. And I think unfairly.

This host has 6 bad reviews that are all consistent in terms of areas that need improvement. Just sayin...


Hi @Dee9 and @Robin4 thank you for taking the time to review my concerns. There was an theft incident in early December, where we called the community police who took her in, interviewed her and released her because there was no proof and they found her not guilty. I thought it was fair as the saying "innocent until proven guilty". This should apply to all human beings who's accused of a crime.


It is not something that I "allow" @Robin4 I wish nothing like this ever happen to anyone. However she is fired and we bought a safe deposit box. Is it fair to the new cleaning lady to be accused of being a thief just because she took a job?  She hasn't done anything wrong.


So we called the police, they triad her, released her, I fired her, hired a new cleaning lady, bought a safe deposit box, change the locks. If you can suggest anything else I would be greatful @Robin4 


@Dee9 yes I left her a bad review. All with proof of conversation screenshot on Airbnb's message trails of when she was complaining of an imaginary person living in the closet to wildlife roaming around in the kitchen to accusing the new cleaning lady of being a thief even before the cleaning lady arrived at the villa. Would you accept it if people accuse you of the same thing at a new job?


All of this are in writing and were sent to Airbnb. However discussing another person's review on your review is not allowed. It has to be based on your personal experience.


Thanks again all for the inputs.. 

This is not a forum to argue so I wont @Desiree0

But she did leave a review based on her personal experience. Regardless of whether you liked it or not, she was honest and quite polite. She also said NICE things about you.

Your review of HER was not simply "negative" it was nasty. You made her seem like a crazy person. That was vindictive.

I agree with Rob in that your listing should come down until you A. deal with the problems at your rental that are causing all the complaints and B. Learn how to speak & communicate with people in a mature diplomatic fashion.



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Yeah but Teale has three good reviews too Diane.

I keep on trying to tell hosts, don't get into a verbal slogging match with a guest where a response is concerned, and definitely stay away from finger pointing in the review itself! It will do you no credit whatsoever and make you look a really difficult host to get along with. If I saw something like that I would immediately think...'Oh hell, what if I do something she doesn't like, will she crucify me like that', and I would give her a wide berth.

I keep saying, think about what you write and keep your cool! Hosts must remember they can't escape and ill chosen's with them as long as they host, and the worst aspect is, when a host does what @Desiree0 has done to this guest that review becomes a focal point, it attracts other peoples attention and in all the wrong ways. Had she not done that, Teale's review would have dropped off the radar and down onto page whatever in no time. As it is people will be looking at that one long into the future. Desiree has done herself immeasurable harm.


But the theft bit, no that was it for me. Desiree you say the first cleaning lady was fired! Was she charged, jailed?....No, as you say that is just part of life in Bali! Because nothing was found on her it was simply her word against the guest, of course the police will side with a local, it's Bali....and we Australians have graphic evidence of where the Balinese authorities loyalties lie!!

And then exactly the same thing happened again under even more brazen circumstances and once again you just shrug your shoulders and say she is fired too!

@Desiree0, Diane says, clean your act up, and I agree totally but from a slightly different angle. I would not (in a fit) book your listing until you could categorically assure me that my posessions would at all times be treated with respect.

Why would you come to Bali to be robbed??? Particularly when absolutely no attempt is made to make the wrong right again.

Sorry are totally on your own here, It's up to you to ensure you let a safe, secure listing!


@Robin4 @Dee9 Thanks again for the inputs. I guess evidence and police decision means nothing to you guys. I cannot personally jail a person @Robin4 only the police can if they were found guilty. 


Thank God for travellers who value evidence over hear say, we are fully booked until end of February and some in April. Have had 2 happy guests after Teale without any problem, 3rd guest checking in tonight. 


I do appreciate your expert advise, however still nobody can tell me what else to do besides what was done:  call the police, triad her, fire her, hire a new person, change the locks and provide a safe deposit box. 


We have done fogging and maintanance as well last week.






Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Desiree0.....I accept that, and as Diane said we are here to help, not tear down. As I said, I thought your listings look ok but that's only from photos. You do have over 40 reviews so you do have a bit of experience, but try to reign in the tendancy to make defensive and yet aggresive statements during the review system.

There is a post of mine that you might learn from. I have almost 90 reviews over the past two years, 36 I think on this site and over that time I have learnt to treat every situation with diplomacy.

Here is the link to that post.......


If you follow these principals I am sure it will make you a better host.
