Guest's dog barking constantly and poops on carpet what can I do

Level 10
Bellevue, WA

Guest's dog barking constantly and poops on carpet what can I do

We have been pet friendly for years and don't have any rules regarding leaving dogs alone or crating them during alone or night time.   Every pet so far has been good but  now I have a guest for 3 days with a Pekingese that barks a sharp high bark-bark-bark non-stop. The dog is alone at present, I don't believe it barks when owners are home.   We live upstairs and normally don't hear what's going on downstairs but this just goes right through the floor.   Also, when I went down to drop off some supplies, I noticed some little poops on my living room carpet.  That will clean up but I have to assume there is pee somewhere too.


I am NOT happy with either of these things but without prior rules in place, what can I do?  If it was up to me I would evict them and take the hit on $$.

18 Replies 18
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Guests must not leave dog unattended.

Ask for cleaning damages as the rug will need cleaning. Once one dog has weed, others will follow.


You must speak to these guests about their unhouse trained, yippy dog.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Geoff22 I think common decency should apply here. If they are using your Airbnb as a K9 latrine, then you should raise it with them. @Sandra126 Is right, once one dog does it, other dogs you have stay later will copy to mark their territory.  


I suggest contacting them through Airbnb messenger and asking them to please take better care of their dog. Say what you saw and say you’d like to make sure the dog is being cared for correctly. Make it about the dog not your place. I think it’s a better starting point for a conversation, but you can slip in the concern about carpet mess as a secondary issue.



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Geoff22  "If it was up to me I would evict them and take the hit on $$."

It is up to you. 

I really don't think you need to have it in your house rules that guests shouldn't leave dogs unattended that bark continuously the entire time their owners are out, nor mention that they need to take the dog out for a walk often enough that it doesn't relieve itself on the carpet. That's just common decency and respect.

As Sandra, said, talk to them- they may not realize the dog barks when they are out. Not sure how to address the poop on the carpet issue- they obviously think that's just fine. 

If they don't respond appropriately, tell them you'll have to cancel the rest of their stay.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I would not even do the talking, i would kick the dog out first and then the guests.

But i hate dogs, so lucky (for them) they will not show up in my property anyway :>)


Level 10
Austin, TX

@Geoff22 this is one of those hosting situations where I'd probably get a little dramatic:

"Betty! Hurry!! Come Quick!! Fifi is sooooo upset!! She hasn't stopped barking since you've left. She's really quite distressed! Oh Dear! Poor Fifi! Do you want me to go check on her? You're on your way, right?!? Oh dear, she's pooped the floor! Oh poor Fifi! You're so distressed aren't you?!? Oh Betty, poor Fifi, she's pooped the floor! Poor thing, she's so upset. I totally understand if you need to cut your trip short. Poor Fifi, she just isn't comfortable here.........."


You get the idea

Kelly that answer is perfect.  I'm using it in parts and pieces now.. tried a short message 90 min ago and no reply.  Ramped up to "I'm concerned" 5 min ago....


@Kelly149 l love it �

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Kelly   lmao !!!!!  That is the most awesome reply I have ever read 🙂

Kelly... You're my hero! 🙂

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Kelly149 Good one. I call all those little yappers Fifi as well. Sometimes Foofoo 🙂


I've had various dogs most of my life. I can't fathom these types of dog owners who somehow think it's normal or even slightly acceptable for a dog to poop and pee in the house. Mine haven't even been allowed on the furniture at all- furniture is for people. If my dog accidentally got locked in the house, she'd hold it for an entire day rather than relieve herself in the house. She won't even do her business in my yard- she goes way out in a big field behind my house to do her business. 

@Sarah977 Guests somehow think that how their dog acts at home translates to how they’ll behave in a rental. BUT they aren’t home, it all smells wrong, it all looks wrong. They get freaked out. 


And! @Geoff22 the abb host protection specifically excludes pets. So, if these guests refuse to pay for cleaning up after Fifi then abb will say “oh well, sorry, excluded”

We bought our place after ditching a timeshare so we could bring our delightful dog (she photobombed our profile pic) with us to our second home. BUT we don't want to deal with other people's dogs so it's not pet friendly. If we were to let guests bring their pets, we would definitely have a deposit policy. Our place is a condo so we can't have barkers annoying our neighbors. However, for this first time we have a mother and daughter with a "service dog" staying there.  We'll see what happens! We did not ask to see official papers or anything.  

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Scott-and-Mary-Ellen0, great pic. At last with a service dog, it will not leave the owner's side so cannot be left at home.

We hope so--but there have been a lot of issues in the U.S. with people falsely declaring their pets service animals. (My cousin trains rescue animals as service dogs for veterans, but they go through extensive training and wear vests. So certainly many are legit.) So without prying further, we're not sure if this is a legitimate service dog. We hope so! Hope things cool off for you, Sandra!