Guest wanting mail sent to the host address?

Level 2
Charlotte, NC

Guest wanting mail sent to the host address?

Got this as part of an inquiry - 


"Hi Elvis, thinking about booking the place for next week. Can people send mails to your place for us to pick up during our stay?"


this is for a 3-day stay. Is there something fishy about this? Thanks!


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Ask him what type of mail is he referring to, it’s hardly snail mail and what would be in the package if it were?


I agree sound very dodgy to me.






Level 10
New York, NY

@Elvis0 I don't know where he is from, how far from your place but what can possibly be so important that he cannot get it mailed after his stay? I'd ask more just like @Cormac0 suggested just to see if he'd give you a straigh answer but yes, it's a bit fishy. I had stuff mail to me before but only during long term stays.

Level 2
Charlotte, NC

Thanks to both of you! He is from Atlanta, which is about 5 hours from me. Hardly a long term, jet-setting trip. I've asked politely why he was requesting to have mail sent here, as well as the nature of his stay. I doubt I'll get a response.


He has a gov't id verification, and has been on the site for 5 years, but only has one badly worded review from a now nonexistent user. Both profile pictures are of an adults. Actually, I'm going to be overly cautious and disapprove the stay. I just don't feel right about it.

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

@Elvis0  I've seen posts from other hosts who agreed to accept mail from guests.  They regretted it and advised other hosts to refuse, as they found that they kept getting mail for months after the guest's visit.  If goods are sent, you have the problem of storing them, forwarding them or being accused of stealing them.