I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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Hi folks,
I just happen to realize I couldn't figure out why there is an price difference between price i've set up in calender and price show to guest (price per night) , but it may be the norm in aspects that it's just a price difference, or it's commonly acknowledged that abnb charge hidden.
The breakdown shown to guest only shows service and cleaning fees and gives a clear view why your price is driven up. However, there is no way to see why nightly price is different
For example, let's not consider service and cleaning fees, the price set up is 50/night , but it shows guest the 55-57/night something. So if adding up service cleaning fee,the price I assume will be driven to 77euro/night,but what shows to guest is actually is 87euro.
So far I don't get any reply from abnb, probably it isn't abnb's concern. But the price difference is really annoying because guest is being charged with a much higher price than you wouldx expect.
What you are most likely not seeing from your side, are the Airbnb fees they charge the guest. Not only do they take a smallish fee from your nighlty price, they charge the guest an even larger percentage fee as well.
This is actually what I tried, to book my own a room in travel mode to see how much difference it will be by having perspective from guests side. As a host, i accepted a request on another date with same price set up, based on future gross revenue (not deducting host service charge), adding up fees charged to guest still doesn't add to actual total charge. I believe my basic price has been altered somehow.
Your listing shows different prices per night, depending on the dates to book. So you did not set 1 basic price per night. Maybe "smart pricing"is active or maybe you choose for "price tips" ?
Best regards,
Yeah, Smart price is on, but the basic price is still difference for the dates where I fix on a certain amount by comparing from both host's and guest's perspective. Price tip was given for certain dates but that was a one off event and it was quite some while ago. I don't technically know if there is one that is active which can be disabled in Airbnb slapped setting.
Based on my experience, I have seen a difference of 12~20% between the host payout and what the guest pays. Fyi, my listing does not have a cleaning fee because I chose to build it into my nightly rate. It seems that the shorter the stay and smaller the total sum is, the higher the % of service fees.
Also if the nightly rate for multiple nights chosen are different, then ABB shows the average nightly rate for the booking duration. And there have been many posts where people say the price see by different guests for the same dates fluctuate, also depending on whether they are on the app or logged on thru their laptop. ABB has never been transparent or clear about how fees or prices shown to guests.
thx for the useful info, for me it's always that the basic (let's say nightly price) shown to guest a couple of euro higher than the one I've set up. Roughly same same. Because I've set many price price depending on dates, the nightly price Gap is still roughly the same. I hope my guest is not deluded by the price shown to them. It's way too high. Probably checking own listings in travel mode with same account doesn't show the objective fact.
@Shauleste0, if you feel the final price is too high you can reduce it, the Airbnb guest fees can seem very high but need to be factored in.
The thing is knowing the additional charge to guests invisible to host since i tried to book my own flat in travel mode to gain guests perspective, I couldn't get why final average price is driven to where it's driven.
Guests can see the available dates to book which each calendar slot is labelled with price. I have a variety of price set up on different dates in hosts's calender. so I compared both calendar and I find out the price in guests booking calendar is always a couple of euros higher than the calendar price setup in hosts's calendar. Because I didn't select the dates, the price in guests booking calendar in all dates should appear the same price I've set up. But it's not the reality.