Host Advisory Board

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Host Advisory Board

What is the value of a Host Advisory Board if they never communicate or at least participate in discussions with euuhhhh...... Hosts !

(Hosts: those people who are making it possible a guest can stay somewhere and who eventually bring all the profit to Airbnb ?)

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Emiel1 I predict the CC will now be briefly graced with the presence of a few HAB members, they will run away again, and we will continue to see no positive changes for hosts. Things seem to be worsening, as far as host mistreatment goes.  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Emiel1  Some have claimed they are quite active in local Facebook hosting groups, but that doesn't do much for the rest of us.


They also told us they weren't at liberty to disclose what they were working on. Since when is someone who is  supposedly representing you not allowed to tell you in what way they are doing that? 


Hand picked and paid by Airbnb and then going to be instrumental in effecting positive change for hosts? What a joke. Just as many of us predicted.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

@Emiel1, @Sarah977 


Don't know about the local Facebook thing.  Have avoided that Trojan Horse since Day 1!  Succumbed to it when Airbnb pushed get local.  Got scammed and messaged within a week.  Scammer even had an old password of mine.  Glad that I had way long ago ditched it. 


Done! Cancelled FB immediately. No way, no how FOREVER.


If HAB limits their communication To FB then we, hosts, all lose😥

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Sorry, missed tagging you on this comment.

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@M199 @Emiel1 @Sarah977 @Colleen253 

It was suggested to me that I give the HAB a chance to prove itself before being too critical. As a result I thought I should wait a year to see what they have achieved. That year is going fast but to be fair they have claimed one change already and we are only 10 months in. Anyone remember what they achieved?

I think it was to extend the dropping of a couple of Superhost criteria for the whole of 2021. Well worth their money I think.