I am quite a new host here (from December 2016) but I didn't find this topic in either New Hosts or Hosts group.
I have a question about Host's service fees - why is it rounded up (or down) to a whole number in the reservation details, but has 2 decimals in the VAT invoice?
For example:
Reservation 1
€160 x 4 nights €640
Airbnb Service Fee (€20)
Total Payout €620
* VAT invoice states Service fee at €19.52 (€0.48 less)
Reservation 2
€115 x 4 nights €460
Airbnb Service Fee (€14)
Total Payout €446
* VAT invoice states Service fee at €14.10 (€0.10 over)
We are trying to keep track of exact payments, as we are doing the hosting for business, which means that we need to send thorough income and VAT information to the National Financial Management Office every month.
The biggest problem comes when we get paid the amount stated in the reservation details (rounded to a whole number), but the VAT invoice has a different number - so we get underpaid or overpaid by a couple of cents (for now) every month. So there is no way we can send the income info that corresponds with the VAT info.
Does anyone else have a problem with this?
Can AirBnb fix this problem and at least transfer money exact to 2 decimals and not rounded to the whole number as it is stated in the reservation details? The other option is that AirBnb would allow rates with decimals and not only whole numbers.
How do you tackle this problem yourselves?