How can I find an overview on the calender of the prices I ask for the next months?

Level 1
Oudenburg, Belgium

How can I find an overview on the calender of the prices I ask for the next months?

Some times I change the price for some days . After a while I want to check my price setting.

I think there is an overview on the calender possible to see my prices for next months. 

How can I open it?




3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your prices are displayed in the calender. So simply scroll to the desired month.



Vroeger was dat zo! Nu staan op de kalender enkel de dagen... Ik bekijk de tariefinstelling en druk dan op kalender... nergens prijzen... Moet ik op andere manier kalender bekijken?

Alvast bedankt



I have a question about prices. If I have discounts for a weekly stay, and also discounts for bookings made close to the booking days - when a guest books a week close to the booking days - what discount will he get?