How to cancel an isntant booking on the day.

How to cancel an isntant booking on the day.


We accept an instant booking for 6-7 june, just when we are going to close all our places lastnight before the order enters, so we sent her a notification message that we apologize, we dont have any available rooms. We would like to return a 100% of her money or we can help her finding another places around us. but until now we dont get a reply back from her and we dont like this at all. we would like to keep contact with our guest as much as possible and when this case happen we hope we can get a fast respond as her check in time is tomorrow and it will difficult for us to find an available place too.

We know that it is our fault, We hope to get a respond from our guest so we know what we wanna do to help her.

Does anyone have the same experience? i tried to contact airbnb help through the apps and twiitter, but no respond yet.

Its so frustating, please help.


Thank you.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@I-Nyoman1 try calling Airbnb and also try calling the guest in an effort to figure things out. 

I have just called them, so the airbnb team ask me about the cancellation policy and i told them that i knew it. finally they cancel the reservation and i have to pay around USD 50 if i am not mistaken. well, thank you so much for the info.