How to change the cancellation policy for just one reservation?

Level 1
Goleta, CA

How to change the cancellation policy for just one reservation?

We just received our first long-term rental request, for 6 weeks. This is great because we want more of this, that is why I discounted my monthly rate by 50%.

Usually we use the Flexible Cancellation Policy and are happy with that.

However for these long-term rentals there is much more at stake, so I want to use the AirBnB Superstrict 60 Day Cancellation policy - for the long term stays only. 

So how do I change the policy for just this one reservation? 

The reservation is already made. And the guest is fine with the Superstrict 60 Day Cancellation policy.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Erika17 I hope you have thought about this long term stay very carefully.  If you don't have a background in real estate rentals, most veteran hosts would advise new Airbnb hosts not to take long term stays until they get more experience.  While lucrative and convenient, long terms stays have inherent problems you should be aware of.  Airbnb doesn't do background checks nor credit checks for long terms stays and you should be aware that tenants develop tenancy rights after 30 days.  For that very reason I have set my maximum stay to 21 nights. Have you read this?


But to answer your question directly, no, you do not set another cancellation policy.  Airbnb sets it and it is as follows:


Good Luck!