
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

I canceled a reservation due to the size of the # of guests

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

I canceled a reservation due to the size of the # of guests

I had to cancel a reservation because the guest had indicated that he was palnning to bring 2 more guests and have them sleep in sleeping bags on the floor. My unit only accomodates 4 people, and my listing clearly indicates this. So instead of forcing him to cancel the reservation I was nice enough to cancel it from my end. I didn't realize that those days now become blocked off. Is there any way to contact Airbnb to review this, and lift the blocked days?



11 Replies 11
Level 2
Manjeri, IN

I don't mean to hijack your thread, but a related concern I had was what to do if more guests than indicated show up at the time of check in?

@Fahd0 If you wish to accept the extra guests , then you can alter the reservation and add on the extra charge per guest which already appears in your listing. If you have a maximum number of guests and do not allow any others you simply refuse them entry on to your property. Contact airbnb if there is any problem and do not accept cash payments.

@Joseph1 Hosting is a serious business and you need to read FAQ and airbnb guidelines to prepare. It's like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted if you don't !‏

@Raymond-and-Elaine0 I know that Hosting is a serious business, and that is the way I am approaching it. I made a newbie mistake because I didn't want the guest to pay the cancelation fee. I have reviewed my case with Airbnb and they have re-instated my status and lifted the block on those days.


Just a FYI @Raymond-and-Elaine0, not all Airbnb Hosts live by their properties or are anywhere near to their rental property, so there is no way to simply shut the door on them.


Level 10
Union City, NJ

You should absolutely contact airbnb, and indicate the conversation with the guest.   It's too late for this instance, but you should have contacted airbnb and had support cancel the booking.  You canceled so now your dates are blocked, you're ineligible for superhost for a year (I learned this the hard way, losing superhost status after four years with it) and you are taken down in search rankings.


Hopefully airbnb support will understand your situation, and correct it for you to open up your dates and remove the "black mark" from your profile.

Thanks Maria! Yes I did contact Airbnb, and they totally understood my situation and they lifted the block on thoses dates. It's a mistake I won't make again. Cheers.

@Joseph1 Yes I understand you are new and you made a mistake which was thankfully put right by airbnb. But you are missing my point. Which is that you need to read, read, read and prepare before you begin hosting. OK so you won't make this mistake again but other more serious ones are just around the corner. You have no rules for example, so guests could smoke, walk mud onto your carpets, have parties, bring as many guests as they wish into your home, bring their pets, arrive with bags of laundry, in fact they can do anything if you set no boundries. I am new to airbnb myself so this advice comes from hosts with years of experience and over a thousand visitors, their house rules have evolved out of past problems which new hosts can learn from. Here are a couple of links for you to go to and read. Don't get defensive if you come on this forum and don't always get the shoulder to cry on from everyone. This, although comforting will not help you to be a better, safer host. You say that "there is no way to simply shut the door on them" , I'm afraid Joseph that in some circumstances that is exactly what hosts have to do. Tips for new hosts,  Examples of house rules,  Dangers to look out for

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Raymond-and-Elaine0 @Maria-Lurdes0  ....How often are we seeing this exact same topic! New hosts in the headlong endeavour to make some cash do not read the rules...they stumble onto this forum site, we bail them out with information which they then take to the help desk with a sheepish..."I didn't know" and expect it to be alright.

I know I am getting cynical but, I am starting to believe what other experienced hosts have said....we have to stop handing out advice to those who are simply 'trashing' the brand!!! Raymond, you are sooooo right but, what you are saying is like urinating into the wind! For every one you help out another 5 follow along behind with the exact same question...and on the end of every one of those questions is a disappointed guest!

I really think it is time we cut these free-loaders loose and concentrated on helping out fellow experienced hosts who HAVE taken the time to read the rules, who have done the right thing and who want to make this platform the best it can be....cheers.....Rob

@Robin4 you are getting cynical because Community Boards are for people helping out people. Regardless if they are Experienced or Newbie Hosts. There are a lot of rules and regulations that must be followed, and sometimes people do miss a section or simply forget. Excuse us for being human and reaching out to others for help. Calling me, or any inexperienced host looking for help as Freeloaders is comical, and only shows your true arrogance.  I do believe you should cut us loose and either stay away from the community board, or reply to the experienced hosts. You definitely do not demonstrate the Airbnb brand values.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Joseph1...Hi Joseph, I know what I said was offensive to you and, in a way I am sorry if it was but, we have seen exactly this scenario before more times than I could count!

Now Joseph I would love to think that you, are going to be like me! You are going to absolutely love hosting, you are going to treat guests to your best cooking skills, you are going to be the finest host that you can be....because, that is what people come to this site for! They want to be hosted....otherwise they would just book into a hotel!

So often we see hosts cancel bookings, and Joseph, you have to put your mind in the place of that person who has chosen to book you. They have chosen to book your accommodation, it's a big leap for them, they place travel plans around that....and you cancel! Joseph, you can't do that! There are all sorts of ways around booking problems but you must know what those ways are....As I said, "I didn't know' is not good enough.

If you would read my reviews you would know what it is like to be a host, and Joseph I would love you to be just that....but you must go about it the right way! I don't want to see our good work undone by those who don't see the need to follow rules....Joseph, the ball's in your court......cheers....Rob

Thanks for your reply @Robin. I do enjoy hosting, and if you read my reviews you will see that I am a good host. I have had five 5 star reviews and I am on my way to being a Super Host. Just to be clear, the newbie mistake I made was to cancel a reservation that should of been done by the guest. The guest wanted out, because they failed to read the rules and regulations. I was trying to be a "nice" Host and prevent the Guest from paying the 50% cancelation fees. I actually felt bad for them. After reviewing the issue with the Airbnb help desk, they understood the circumstance and released the negative hit I was going to take on my profile. They realized that I was guilty of trying to be that “nice” Host and the lesson learned for me is to let the Guest cancel the reservation first and then support the guest to get their refund back. (that’s if the cancelation is mutual). I completely agree with you that we need to protect the brand and Host cancellations affect the brand in a negative way. I am not only a Host on Airbnb, I am going to be a Guest.... Regards Joe

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Joseph1.... Sorry Joe, If you put your heart and soul into it great! If I have 'short changed' you I feel bad! I have never been put in that situation so it's probably unfair of me to comment on those who have. But so often we see a post "Help me unblock my calendar" when they have put a guests plans into chaos because they chose to pursue a more lucrative offer....and then turned around and said, they didn't know! Joe, it makes my blood boil, and we see it virtually on a daily basis.

Joe, there are entrepenuers and there are hosts...I like to think I am a host....cheers....Rob