Hi Jorge, statistically the greatest risk of damage to a hosts property comes from parties! And there is a pool of potential guests out there who search out properties that can accommodate a considerable number of guests for that specific reason....they want to have a party.
Your chances of getting a booking from a guest who simply wants to find some where he/she and the nineteen + others with them just want to relax, read and quietly unwind is ZERO!
Forget all about catering for large groups! There are plenty of venues who have the required licencing and security facilities to make sure things don't get out of hand. Jorge, the wrong group can destroy you!
Large numbers of people get together to drink, brag and outdo each other....we see it here so often! And as soon as they leave they shut down their payment method so the poor unfortunate host cannot access funds to compensate for the damage they invariably cause!
If it is feasible to section your property into 3 seperate listings this would be a preferable path to go down Jorge. I would not even offer the option that more than one of the listings could be rented by the same guest!
If you do decide you will list the property as an entire space, adhere to one golden rule.....DO NOT RENT TO LOCALS! People who want to have a good time getogether are not going to jump state borders to do it, they will be locals ever time!
Good luck Jorge, I am glad I am not in your position having to make a decision like this!