I'm afraid of what I'll find

Level 2
Larissa, Greece

I'm afraid of what I'll find

Hi, yesterday 10 guests from moldova came to my house for holiday's. The first impression was not so positive because they were rude and their behavior in the house was not so civilized...!

I explained to them some basics things about the house and the place and after i told them that I'm going to my city. Seven hours later they called me and ask me where is the bbq. I told them that I don't have a bbq ( I don't write a bbq in the descriptions ) and they start to shout at me because they brought  a lot of meat from moldova!!!!!!!! Also they told me that they want to cancel the reservation and i reply that I don't have a problem and I will return them the money. Ten minutes later they call me again and they wanted to go to the house because they have some questions. I explained to them that this is not possible because now I'm in my city 400klm far away. They told me to sent them the exact adress and they'll come to find me!!!!! 

Since then I don't have any news from them but I'm afraid that they will make damages and i dont know how to protect my house. If they make damages the airbnb insurance covers them?  They will stay for 14 days and the day that they live at the same day i have a new guest and I'm afraid about damages....

Any suggestions will be appreciated 

Thank you

3 Replies 3
Level 10
New York, NY

First mistake you made was telling them you're 400km away. Never tell anyone where you are located. In your shoes I might be nervous also. I would call a friend or family to go to the house as your representative and inform your "guests" that they are nearby even if they are not. I am not sure how accomodating your local police department is, but if they are maybe they can check on the house and if the guests are there they can tell them you were concerned and they want to make sure everything is all right. This way your guests will understand that your house is being cared for and watched. Again never tell people you are far from your property.

Level 10
Como, CO

Sounds like you need to go down thre and check things out.

Level 7
Torquay, United Kingdom

Oh Noah!.. 


Listen its too late to turn the clock back, but i would call everyone you can that is nearby to go and check around and try to see what is  going on.. I dont think they should go and knock on the door as this group seem hostile!


Secondly do you really want such large groups in your house like a party style?  you can select what types of groups you want and dont by sufficient correspondence to make sure they are the types of people to take care of your home and be respectful.. you can learn a lot by chatting but of course not full proof.


Anyway, getting the police involved may make them react, all you can do is call police after if any damage is done and give details. then put in complaint to airbnb with costs to guests.


lastly never ever say you are miles away!... i always say i am just popping out even if i am working overnight.. or i say IF i have to go to work i can be reached and will be back later... My guests never know i am going to be out all night for work or sometimes for 2 days!... i keep them on their toes..lol 


But i think you have to go home and check it out now and take some friends with you to sit in the car also if you feel unsafe with these guest..


Good luck

