
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Important Experience from a World Traveler.

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Important Experience from a World Traveler.

I just finished a tour of Shanghai and Korea.

Stayed at many wonderful Airbnbs. All places exceeded my expectations. Sparkling Clean, spacious, well located. My Korean Apodment even had a personal washing machine!

I now realize what I need to add to my listings - A towel rack in the bedroom!

As a guest, I never knew what I was supposed to do with my wet towel. I didn't want to put it over the wood door or over the furniture. 

A towel rack would have been perfect. 

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


why in the bedroom? why not in the bathroom?



I’m guessing it must be an Airbnb with a shared bathroom situation.

Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Sounds great @Paul154 !  I'm envious, always wanted to visit S Korea. 

I also learned a lot by staying in Airbnbs, probably the most important was the need for detailed directions.  It's easy to assume that things that are obvious to you are completely baffling to visitors, particularly if it's the first time they have visited your country and are not familiar with the language etc.  Actually, even if if you're from the same country.  I'm not a stupid person but you would think so when you have to explain to me several times how your keys work 😞

Also I learned a lot by sleeping in my airbnb room:  more extension cords were needed, the pillows were not ideal, for example.  


@Branka-and-Silvia0 it is not possible to keep towels in a shared bathroom.  Well, it's possible in theory but not a great idea!


You are correct. I was so grateful that  my hosts had extremely helpful pictorial directions to their units. 


@Paul154 Glad you liked Korea 🙂 

Personally...... I always thought that some sort of drying rack or a place to hang wet items in the room is a must! 

I now provide a small drying rack in the bedroom after seeing guests hang towels on hangers in the closet!  Even though I show them the towel rack in the bathroom..... 


The thing for me was that when you are done using the towel in the bedroom, it's not convenient to have to take the wet towel and hang it in the bathroom - it's just easier to hang it over the chair 🙂 which is why I like to have a small drying rack in the room. 

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Being a guest is the BEST education for being a host, right?  Good job, @Paul154

Level 10
Albany, Australia

Thanks @Paul154. I provide hooks on the back of the door for guests to hang their towels as there isn't much space in the room for a towel rack. However, I've noticed nearly all my Asian guests hang their towels on hangers, either inside the closet or on the closet handles - I'm really not sure why....@Jessica-and-Henry0, maybe you can shed some light on this?

I’m not Asian but I like to hang my towel by the clips of a skirt hanger so it drys faster than folded over a rack.  Also, it never drys fully when hung on a hook.  

At home I often hang the hanger on the shower curtain rod flat near the wall or hanger on a hook on back of door.  


Towels have to be hung straight and flat to dry quickly and not get stinky, especially for re-use. I don't like leaving a damp towel in the humid bathroom towel rack so I usually hang the hanger on a hook just outside the bathroom door. If the towel is directly on a hook, it will be bunched up and not dry properly and installing a rack of some sort isn't exactly easy so a "hanger" provides a straight line where we can hang towels flat. I used to hang the hanger with the towel on the handle but it was a bother to move it every time I needed to get something from the cabinet so I stuck a hook on the side. Not pretty but VERY convenient! 




Inside the closet??? If there was nowhere else to hang the hanger and the closet door was left open.... not ideal but could work I guess 🙂 


Also, this is probably just me...... but I personally like to hang things on hangers rather than hooks. 





FYI, pics are of my weekday company-provided (ugly but furnished and free) apartment where I stay for work during the week:-) 

This is how I hang things. For real~

@Jessica-and-Henry0, that makes total sense! Thanks for shedding some light on this for me. I will rethink my 'towel-hanging' facilities...

Level 10
Urangan, Australia



We put 2 rows of cheap curtains rods in each room so that each person can hang 2 bath towels and a beach towel.  In a 3 bedroom apartment with 6 guest and 12 towels, we needed a way to let guest discern whose towel was whose and to get them to dry.  Not so great for esthetics I suppose but sometimes functionality has to win over looks!  Lisa

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

There can never be too many hooks or rails. Plus plenty of coat Hangers!