Instant Book On when setting up caused incorrect bookings

Level 1
Portland, OR

Instant Book On when setting up caused incorrect bookings

I was setting up my new listing after being away for a couple years. I was playing with pricing and saw that multiple people had booked my place. I wasn't aware when setting up that instant book was turned on. I do not remember hitting that option and quickly turned it off. I reached out to those interested and asked them to cancel or otherwise let them know that the space wasn't available. When their reservation expired it blocked it off on my calendar.


I need to unblock those dates so I can have them booked. I now have my rates updated and have the instant book back on and it is going well. 


How do I do that?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

It was your mistake as a host, @Tyler70, to present a listing without double checking the settings. You may ask Airbnb and try to explain the whole situation to them: use Twitter or the form:
Or you will find a pinned post in the Help section how to do it.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"