Instant booking was changed to Request to Book by AirBnB for no reason

Level 1
Tokyo, Japan

Instant booking was changed to Request to Book by AirBnB for no reason

All my listings with instant booking can't be found on AirBnB search with Instant Booking on. I called AirBnB and a representative named Clarrise stated that AirBnB changed my Instant booking setting to Request to book (even though host listing still shows Instant Booking with yellow lightning mark). She stated cancellation is the reason of the change by AirBnB and because I have too many cancellations. However, we have no recent host cancellation and it shows 0% cancellation rate under AirBnB performance. So I request to speak to a supervisor and no call back so far. I am seriously concerned about what AirBnB can do without first informing a host and stating a reason for any change. If this is a technical issue then reps can't just simply give irresponsible reasons without any evidence and scare host with AirBnB host policies to force us accept it without first investigate. If this kind of practices continues, we don't know how we can trust AirBnB and how much economic loss we suffer as a direct result. We have witnessed a drastic slowdown in inquiry and booking across our listings. 

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Chieko16 try reaching them through social media. They usually respond faster that way. Also, I’ve heard that this happens when host have guest cancellations in a higher than usual quantity, not only when it’s host cancellations

@Inna22 Thanks for the reply. We tried to reach them on Twitter and FB. The issue remains. What kinds of social media will get their management attention? The customer support is all based overseas so long turn around and don’t follow up most time. 

@Chieko16 yes, twitter and FB were the ones I meant. To be honest I am not sure what to tell you

@Chieko16     If you search this forum you will find many hosts have had this happen to them. It has happened to me twice, then as suddenly as IB was taken off it was reinstated - I still have no idea why.

@Ange2 Thanks for sharing. After 5-days, we are still having the same issue. Airbnb created 3 tickets and then closed them voluntarily without making any progress. I requested supervisor call but so far no luck to get anywhere. This has become a daily routine for me to call them and request update. Frustrating..


Host Advisory Board Member
Oakland, CA

have you recently cancelled a guest reservation or declined one?

Level 2
San Rafael, CA

Thanks for posting this! Looks like our listing is affected as well. And I was wondering why I'm no longer getting any instant booking. Doesn't sound like anybody knows what's going on. I'll add this one to my long list of other issues and will call CS when I have an hour or two...