Less than desirable guests

Level 7
Leavenworth, WA

Less than desirable guests

I recently encountered an issue that has left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I received a reservation for a one night stay for four people which is my maximum number of guests. The reservation was for two adults and two infants. The guests profile picture is a family of two adults, one toddler and an infant so naturally I assumed that was who would be staying here (boy was I wrong). The guest also requested that I waive the cleaning fee which I did refuse to do but did give her a $20 discount. So bear with me I need to tell the whole story here. When the guests showed up there were only two that showed up first. The problems began right away and never stopped. I asked where the children were and this is when I was told that they aren't even her children (remember that the reservation was for four people) they are her friends children. At this point as I am giving the two who arrived first a tour of the apartment she got angry because I didn't have two bedrooms.  My listing clearly states that it is a one bedroom apartment.  And why would you need two bedrooms if the reservation is for four people (two adults and two infants). So at this point she gets on the phone obviously angry so I left them alone for a moment so they could figure it out. Imagine my surprise when I went back to the apartment and there are eight people not four. Six adults, one infant and a six year old who they had booked as an infant. Six years old is not an infant. So anyway I informed them that they had way too many people for my space so their solution was that the guest who had booked the space and her partner were going to leave and stay somewhere else now this left me still overbooked with six people and not one of them an Airbnb member. So now I have six people in an apartment with a miximum occupancy of four and I have no idea who they are. Not one of them introduced themselves. I am extremely uncomfortable with this situation and called Airbnb support to find out what my options were. I wanted to know if I could ask them to leave without any repercussions such as them getting their money back. I called three separate times and was told twice that they would reach out to the guest and get back to me (never happened) the third time I was told that they would reach out to the guests but wouldn't get back to me because he was going home. I was left high and dry by the Aibnb superhost support team. So needless to say I didn't know if I could ask them to leave so all six of them ended up staying making me extremely uncomfortable and furious with the lack of support from Airbnb. The next day when they checked out they left the apartment filthy with half eaten food left all over the place. This after requesting that I waive the cleaning fee because she is an extremely tidy person and always picks up after herself. Good thing I refused but now mad at myself for giving her any kind of discount (certainly won't do that again). I have reached out to Airbnb support since this happened and still don't have any answers or support. So my question is if this happens in the future do I have the right to ask them to leave without any repercussions? And what do I do about the bad review she is sure to leave? I have never had a bad review. This is my first encounter with completely dishonest guests. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to get any help from the Airbnb support team!

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your listing is clear: 4 guests maximum. One of this 4 guests must be the person who made the booking, as mentioned on the reservation. So there is a double violation here: too many guests and the booker is not present. In my opinion enough reasons for Airbnb to cancel the reservation for you. I think you can ask the unknown guests to leave, none of them has a legal contract (reservation) with you, so they have no right to be there.

Best regards, Emiel

That is what I thought but tried several times reaching out to Airbnb that night and they did nothing! I even directly asked if I could ask them to leave the answer I recieved was that they would reach out to the guest and get back to me. No answer about asking them to leave and no one ever got back to me. I was just left hanging by Airbnb and still am. I reached out to them again this morning and was told my case manager would get back to me. Surprise, surprise no one got back to me. Where is the Airbnb host support? I feel like more and more they side with the guest regardless of circumstances and just leave hosts hanging with no support.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It seems Airbnb is not acting as could expected. Offcourse it can take some time to investigate a situation, but fact is: there are (too many) people in your accomodation whithout a reservation. Notify the booker about this and ask those people to leave within a short timelimit. Be in charge, cancel the booking yourself if neccesary and inform Airbnb about it !

I wish you all strength, Emiel

Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Mary-And-Kelly0 so sorry you had that awful experience...............Im a superhost and someone that loves hosting and I have tried my best to learn about the platform and truly how it works. So from what I know:

When a guest breaks house rules YOU can and should ask them to leave IMMEDIATELY - that is what I would have done.(easy for me to say, sitting here) They broke 2 rules or more and so YOU had every right to have them leave and if they didn't leave call police to have them assist if they refused. Then  after the fact.......call Airbnb and tell them what you HAD to do.  I have had excellent assistance on calling and getting help BUT it takes them time in every situation and in your situation - FROM the start it needed to STOP and time was the critical element. They were totally disrespectful from the start and how unfair that you had to deal with such. 


Everything I read on Community Center from those seasoned hosts always say - "when someone ask for a discount" don't rent to them - (unless it is long term rental) trouble is on the way, or they will stretch or push the limits.

You gave a discount against the cleaning fee that they didn't want to pay. AND that sent a message to them - I think- And so they really pushed all your rules - AND boy did they ever. 


Your story/experience helps me get prepared JUST incase. You know like planning an exit route in a fire situation.

If we haven't thought of stuff inadvance and stress happens we don't react in the best manner somehow. And when it takes quick action like you needed when those bummer guest arrived and felt entitled enough to take complete advantage of you.

Hope you will give them very low stars and an honest review - That line "These folks would certainly be better suited at a hotel" says alot to all of us hosting. 


Again, sorry you had this experience BUT thanks for sharng for all of us to learn. this helps prepare and be wiser and a little more informed just incase it happens to us. Because it sure takes all kinds and we have mostly great folks out there -------------BUT sometimes there are those that are up to no good. "the ugly invading guest". Hopeful you will have all 5 star guest from this moment forward! 

Best to you - Happy Hosting.  Clara B.



@Mary-And-Kelly0, I am so sorry those horrible people treated you so shabbily.

As @Clara116 mentioned, experienced hosts advise that if someone asks for a discount, you say NO and hope they go away because you do not want to rent to them.

If a prospective guest does not see the value of your property right from the start, odds are they will be trouble. Your unfortunate story just backs up this hard-earned wisdom.

I hope you receive the help you should get from AirBnB!

Level 5
Lisbon, Portugal

Every time a guest passes the door, they are at YOUR house. You have the right to cancel any reservation that breaks your rules. Cancel the reservation, inform Airbnb about it and why you are doing it,refund the money and state everything that happened in your review. This guest will give you a bad one, regardless of staying or not. As for the Airbnb customer service, do not expect much coming from there. Despite the popular myth, there is no such thing as a "airbnb place". Your house is not a franchise. Wish you all the best and i am very sorry for what you had to go through. Best of luck to you.

Level 10
Madison, WI

Oh boy, I feel for you.  The other thought that came to mind: Would your insurance have covered you because you allowed them to stay?  You need to watch out for yourself when situations like this come up.