Listing not showing

Level 2
Labrador, Australia

Listing not showing

About one month ago I got a call from someone from AirBNB. He asked me if my listing was available THAT day. He said that he was helping a guest. He was practically telling me I had to take the guest. I told him that they would have to make their request the regular way and I would check out their reviews. I got the request, two men wanting to share a queen sized bed, no reviews. I did not immediately accept the guest as I was suspicious as to why AirBNB were getting involved. I asked questions like who was in the party. When I found out it was two men, I said that I was uncomfortable with that situation. Since then I have had not requests, and I cannot find my listing no matter how low I drop my price. How can I get in touch with AirBNB. I think their employee did something to hide my listing, as according to the prospective guests, he was their review.

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Austin, TX

You might be on to something. I searched (with very specific filters) for your listing and didn't find it.

I have spoken to AirBNB and have had the situation resolved. The words "Gold Coast" had vanished from my listing. The only location that showed was my suburb of Gold Coast, and no people are trying to find a place in Labrador. AirBNB could not explain how that happened but they changed it back. The address is not something that we can edit and make changes to. But alls well that ends well.

Level 10
Austin, TX

The contact and pressure from the supposed AirBnB employee was hugely inappropriate. And if, as it seems, that employee later did something to block your listing, I'm sure that AirBnB would like to know. If you still don't know how to contact AirBnB to report this, ask here. I find this whole incident to be disturbing and disappointing. (However, @Lesley13, I also find your admission that you were uncomfortable because the prospective guests were two men to be disappointing. That said, the apparent misbehavior of the AirBnB employee is, if true, beyond the pale. They should be reprimanded, if not fired outright.)


@Lizzie0 -- not to dump this in your court, but I hope you've seen this.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks @Dede0 for including me in this. 


It is good to meet you @Lesley13, welcome to the Community Center. As you were contacted specifically by a member of Airbnb in the first place, it shows that you must have a good listing and that they would recommend you as somewhere to stay. Which is great news. 🙂


There could be a number of different reasons for why you are unable to find your listing, so on this occasion I would recommend you contact Airbnb Support directly about this, as they will be able to look into the specifics of your listing. I feel like it will also put your mind at rest. There is a useful Community Help Guide (created by a host here in the CC) on the different ways to get in contact with support. 


I hope you get this sorted.




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi Lizzie


Can I ask what sort of issues you might be able to help us hosts with, which won't have to be directed to BNB?


Or is it always the case we will have to go directly to them?


Sorry not 100% clear about your role.





Thank you. It has been handled to my satisfaction. Some how the words "Gold Coast" which followed my suburb "Labrador" disappeared from my listing. Something that I cannot do myself, it seems. But your rep that I spoke with mad a lot of new corrections, still could not find the listing. Then I pointed out what I had said about the words "Gold Coast" being missing. I asked can I put it back. He told me , No unfortunately, AirBNB has to do that. So I am certain that that staff member that called me and bullied me trying to get me to say that I would take the people that had had their prior listing cancelled, deleted those words after he found out that i would not take them. All's well that ends well. Thanks for your concern.

AirBNB has resolved my issue. Somehow the words "Gold Coast" which followed my suburb on my location, were gone. AirBNB put it back and made other changes that improved the location of my home. As for your being disappointed that I would not take same sex couples, that is my choice. I am 68 years old, and have had a same sex situation in my home. The bedroom, which has one bed, is next to mine and we share a bathroom. If I am not comfortable with the noises that came from the bedroom and bathroom, and we are in a cramped space, it is my right to choose who stays here. And AirBNB agreed with me. There also was no review. But thank you for sharing your opinion, but I do not share it.

@Lesley13, glad to hear that a simple solution was found for your issue and that it didn't involve misbehavior on the part of an AirBnB employee. (I still think that they were wrong to contact you directly and appear to pressure you.)


And you are fully within your rights to decline hosting anyone you want. I have to point out, though, that disturbing noises can arise from any couples, same sex or otherwise, or even from single guests.   🙂

Thanks Dede. If I went to a B&B place as I have done for decades when I was younger, I keep our noise down. Sorry, I do not need to get a blow by blow about what is going on. Nor declarations about how much is going from a **bleep** to a mouth. That was my experience with the only gay male couple that were here. You asked, I am telling you.  I have a nephew who is gay and he and his partner have always been welcome in my home. I really do not have an issue with female gays. But I have a big worry with the gay male couple that did come here, being a dummy, all the way to my house I kept emphasizing there was only one bed.