Listing's Location

Level 1
Valletta, Malta

Listing's Location

Good morning,


I have been having this problem for quite a whileso I really hope you can help me with it.


My listing is not appearing under Notting HIll but Westbourne Green. However based on my map it should be listed under Notting Hill. Please could you help with this as I really feel it makes a big difference. The issue had been resolved last week however it has gone back to being listed under Westbourne Green now. How do I ensure that my listing always appears under the Notting Hill search?


On a separate note, oaverage, how many weeks before do hosts book a place? I would really like to rent out my apartment over the Easter break, ideally from the 18th of March - 3rd of April but I have not received any potential bookings and last year we managed to rent it straight away.


I very much look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


Kind Regards,


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