Until this afternoon I've never had difficulties logging in with laptop or mobile. But today I went to my phone provider and got a new set up with them that should be cheaper and shouldn't affect any way that I use my phone.
However, since then I've been unable to log in to Airbnb on the phone. It didn't accept the password that I KNOW was correct. Do you think this issue is connected to the change of phone service or is that just a co-incidence?
So I decided to get a new password and went through the Forgot Password process. I choose the new password and was VERY careful to ensure that I got it right but - it still doesn't work.
I'm now worried about doing it too many times in case Airbnb block me completely - is that likely to happen? Can anyone advise what to do? For info, I'm writing this from my laptop, which is still currently logged in from my old original password - whicht wasn't accepted on my phone.