Long Term Cancellation policy

Level 2
Victoria, Canada

Long Term Cancellation policy

I need some clarification / assurance regarding the Long Term Cancellation policy.  As I understand it, 

    - the policy is applied by Airbnb for bookings longer than 28 days and supercedes my cancellation policy ?  I have no input or means to alter the policy ?


    - if a guest today books a two month stay for a date 10 months in the future, but for some reason has to cancel the booking two days later,  they are liable for the first months rental charges ?


    - if I am willing to take the risk of accepting long term bookings with a 30 or 45 day cancellation policy is there any way I can do or implement that as my long term cancellation policy 


It seems to me that it is probably not the intent that a booking cancelled 9 or 10 months in advance would be "penalized" by having to pay the first months rent, especially since I would probably still be able to rent the property again if cancelled that far in advance.  It would seem more appropriate to me if the cancellation was 6 weeks or less before the booking date.


Anyhow, since a potential guest is enquirng I need to be sure I properly understand the Long Term Cancellation policy.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Kane-and-Heather0 Seems you've got it right.  Long Term stays can be very tricky in other respects:  keep in mind that Airbnb doesn't  do background or credit checks on these guests and in many jurisdictions the guests can create unwanted tenancy rights. 


But that aside, you can always refund more than Airbnb's Long Term Stay policy by using the Resolution Center.  




Also, if you haven't already, read this Airbnb article on Long Term Stays: 




Hope this answers your question!